2016 Story Masterlist

Jan 01, 2017 00:04

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

A Place Like This (Alonna/Buffy, PG)
Oh, the Periphery (Bethany/Fred, PG)
i am become death (Buffy/Tara, NC-17)
Shots (Buffy/Nina, PG-13)
don't you want to claim my body like a vandal? (Cordelia/Faith, NC-17)
The Heart Stone (Kendra/OFC, PG-13)
we ain't kids no more (Buffy gen, PG-13)

Confident - Demi Lovato (Music Video)

they'll inherit your blood (Woman (Demi Lovato)/Woman (Michelle Rodrigeuz), NC-17)


The Gilded Cage (Inara/Zoe, R)
Diamonds in the Sky (Inara/River, PG)

Harry Potter

1000 Miles (Harry/Luna/Neville, PG-13)

Hunger Games

après moi le déluge (Johanna/Annie, PG-13)

Jurassic World

Maps (My Kind's Your Kind) Claire/Owen, PG

Marvel Cinematic Universe

every breath we drew was hallelujah (Bruce/Natasha, PG-13)
eternal flame (Bruce/Natasha, PG-13)
i was an eagle, and you were a dove (Bruce/Natasha, PG-13)
then i will take the chain from off the door (Pepper/Tony, Pepper & Natasha, PG-13)
rescue (Pepper/Tony, Pepper & Natasha, PG-13)
yes your wings are beautiful. yes they shimmer. god. (Rhodey/Tony, PG)
my love is bigger than a cadillac (Tony & Howard & Maria, PG-13)
the weight of the gun in my hand, darling, does not compare to the weight of you in my heart (Bruce/Natasha, NC-17)
the house of the rising sun (Tony & Howard & Maria, PG)
we'll see how brave you are (Wanda gen, PG)
love on the run like a loaded gun (Natasha/Wanda, NC-17)
Paradoxes (Wanda gen, PG-13)
my body the hand grenade (Natasha/Wanda, NC-17)
equinox (Tony/Wanda, PG)
ship to shore (Gamora/Natasha, PG)
Trouble with the Curve (The Spring Formal Remix) (Lady!Tony/Steve, Natasha/Sam, PG-13)
Five Doves (Tony/Wanda, PG)
island (Bruce/Natasha, PG)
on the vine (Bruce/Natasha, PG)
the weight of my heart is measured in carats (Pepper/Tony, PG)


everything i never told you (Alisha/Simon, PG-13)

Real Genius

The Most Important Thing (Ensemble, PG)


cable (Ray/Walter, PG-13)
i belong to the ground now (Ray/Walter, NC-17)
Vertigo (Ray/Walter, R)
the learning curve (Ray/Walter, NC-17)

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