2015 Story Masterlist

Jan 07, 2016 11:48

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

Five (Nikki Wood/various, PG-13)
i turn to wax and melt like this (Dawn/Faith, PG-13)
Putting the Damage On (Faith/Illyria, R)
An Attractive Force (Fred/Kennedy, PG)

Harry Potter

this is terrible (Hermione/Luna, PG)

Jurassic World

Stitches (Claire/Owen, PG)
Pomegranate Heart (Claire/Owen, PG-13)
Soma (Claire/Owen, PG-13)
Who She Is (Claire/Owen, PG-13)
Reciprocity (Claire/Owen, PG)
Balance (Claire/Owen, R)
The Ice Queen (Claire/Owen, R)
How My Heart Behaves (Claire/Owen, PG)
After Midnight (Claire/Owen, PG)
Fall on Your Knees (Claire/Owen, R)
Running with the Pack (Claire/Lady!Grady, PG-13)
For Immediate Release (gen, PG)
Never Let Me Go (Owen & the Raptor Squad, PG-13)
For Survival (Claire/Owen, PG-13)
Girl on Fire (Claire/Owen, R)

Marvel Cinematic Universe

good wine is drunk; the only tears shed are happy ones (Clint/Natasha, PG-13)
he says he reckons i'm a watercolor stain (Steve gen, PG)
kiss me now you'll catch your death (Bruce/Natasha, NC-17)
Sugar (Bruce/Natasha, PG-13)
Bloodstream (Wanda gen, PG)
Howl (ensemble gen, PG-13)
Fun and Games (ensemble gen, PG)
Heartbeat (Bruce/Natasha, PG)
With This Secret Kiss (Bruce/Natasha, PG-13)
Janus (Natasha/Wanda, PG-13)
Flight (Rhodey gen, PG)
to build a house around you (Bruce/Natasha, PG)


A Curious Case (Ray/Walter, Bruce/Natasha, R)


King of Pain (Ray/Walter, PG)
Lights, Camera, Action (Ray/Walter, PG-13)
Incentives (Ray/Walter, PG-13)
Tying One On (Ray/Walter, PG-13)
Here Comes the Rain Again (Ray/Walter, R)

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