FIC: Here Comes the Rain Again (Thunderheart, Ray Levoi/Walter Crow Horse, R)

Aug 07, 2015 11:54

This one's for storyfan, who wanted "rain after a long drought".

Here Comes the Rain Again (Thunderheart, Ray Levoi/Walter Crow Horse, R)

so baby talk to me like lovers do )

thunderheart, story post

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Comments 2

escritoireazul August 7 2015, 20:14:34 UTC

"Let me get this straight," Crow Horse said. "You're going to let me make love to you here, in this office."

"You make me sound like such a prude," Ray said.

"If anything, I am understating your prudishness."

And, damn, hilarious. I literally LOLed. I scared my dog. You made me scare my dog.


carlyinrome August 7 2015, 20:48:52 UTC

haha yay! Thank you. Tell Izzy I'm sorry.


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