FIC: Sugar (MCU, Natasha/Bruce, PG-13)

Jul 27, 2015 11:54

PAIRING:Natasha Romanoff/Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff/OMC
SUMMARY:On first loves, and lasting ones.
AUTHOR’S NOTES:Spoilers for Age of Ultron.

he brings me sugar )

avengers, story post

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Comments 2

celeste9 July 30 2015, 14:55:36 UTC
That was lovely. The use of the candy as a framing device to link Natasha's past with her present works really well, and I love the ease of the scene with Natasha and Bruce together, the sweetness of their subtle flirting and the way Bruce can make Natasha comfortable enough to share a story that must be difficult to tell. The opening description of her walking is so good, very atmospheric, and while it seems so innocent, Natasha buying candy, it sets up this feeling of foreboding that fits with what happens.

(Also, Bruce/Nat on my f-list! \o/)


carlyinrome July 30 2015, 17:42:23 UTC

Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you liked it; Bruce/Natasha has wormed its way into my heart and it's not going anywhere anytime soon, and I just want to celebrate my love, lol.


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