FIC: King of Pain (Thunderheart, Ray/Walter, PG)

Feb 12, 2015 14:57

Title: King of Pain
Rating/Genre: PG, hurt/comfort (kind of)
Word count: 300
Warnings: Off screen brutality
Summary: Crow Horse has a problem with Ray going undercover.
Author’s Notes: Written for slashthedrabble Round 344: Police song lyrics. The song in question is King of Pain.

There's a little black spot on the sun today. )

thunderheart, story post

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Comments 2

storyfan February 16 2015, 16:48:55 UTC
I really can't imagine staying behind while my lover, spouse, whatever goes off to parts unknown to a fate unknown. Even when he gets back, you don't really know anything.

Crow Horse is right. It's some bullshit.

Great job, as usual. I was very glad to find this story today.


carlyinrome February 19 2015, 00:33:51 UTC

It would be really hard, but so many people (I'm thinking mostly of military spouses) do it every day.

Thanks so much for the feedback; I'm thrilled you liked the story.


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