Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 07, 2013 19:35

Dear Yuletide Author,

Hi! I am so excited that you're here! I love yuletide, and I love all the fandoms I've selected, so I'm sure that you'll write me something I'll, well, love. Could I say love more?

I have an MFA in writing from an art school, and I work for a university writing online course material. So I write a lot. I'm super busy these days, which leaves me less time to read, but when I do I like meaty character pieces with witty dialogue and found families. I love characters who do the right thing instead of the smart thing, and the irreverent outlaw reluctant hero trope (Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Madmartigan). I love being surprised by literature; I love words and how they can play.

I cannot stand betrayal, rape stuff, or abuse. I'm not saying my Yuletide has to be all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere, but I don't want to read something that's going to make me depressed. 'tis the season to be jolly and all.

Now, for more information on my individual prompts:

1. Thunderheart (1992)

So, for many years, Thunderheart has been my main fandom, but we're, like, a fandom of five. Any new fanfiction in this fandom would be a boon, but I'm especially interested in Ray's backstory: his undercover work, his family, his life before he came to the rez. I also ship Ray/Crow Horse pretty hard, and would love some fluffy, domestic, snarky fic: like the two of them try to make beer in Crow Horse's kitchen, and hijinks ensue. If you're interested, there is a lot of Thunderheart fanfiction and general musings in this blog, under the tag #i heart thunderheart

2. Rabiosa (Music Video) --Shakira

I am mesmerized by this music video. Who are these women? Do they know each other? Are they the same woman? Are they twins? I'd just like some backstory, some explanation to what the heck is going on here.

3. Top Gun (1986)

I ship Ice with pretty much anyone--fandom not a barrier; I had someone write me Ice/Doc Holliday fic once--but for this prompt, I'd really like something meaty and personal and not about his dick. What was Ice's past like? What does his future hold? I know that asking for something character-driven and maybe even a little dark is a stretch for this fandom, but it's Yuletide and miracles can happen. If you're interested, you can check the #top gun tag to see what I've written on the subject.

4. Spartan (2004)

I'm really interested in what happened to Laura Newton after the credits rolled. We get to see what happened to Scott, but now what happened to her. Is she able to just fit back into her life after all she's been through? Does she think of Scott? Does she try to find him?

If you would like further information, you can search the #yuletide tag on my journal. Thank you, and happy yuletide!


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