2011 stories

Jan 01, 2012 18:06

Wow. I wrote more last year than I realized, mostly about Val Kilmer characters getting laid. Whoops.

Total stories: 73
Total fandoms: 14
Total new fandoms: 6

Stories per fandom: Angel and Buffy: 4, Angel/Firefly: 1, At First Sight: 1, Being Human: 1, Firefly: 1, Homicide: Life on the Street: 1, The Island of Dr. Moreau: 1, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: 3, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/The Salton Sea: 1, Original: 1, Spartan: 1, Thunderheart: 44, Tombstone: 1, Top Gun: 11, X-Men: First Class: 1

Angel and/or Buffy the Vampire Slayer

And History Books Forgot About Us (Kennedy/Tara, PG-13)
You and Me and Her (Buffy/Cordelia/Faith, R)
Babysitting (Cordelia/Dawn, PG)
And What Was Meant to Happen, Happened (Lilah/Ilona, PG-13)


Spark (Gwen/Saffron, PG)

At First Sight

Vistas (Virgil, Jennie, gen, PG)

Being Human

In Darkness (Aidan/Bishop, PG)


Bait (Shock and Awe Remix) (Inara/Saffron, PG-13)

Homicide: Life on the Street

Goof Juice (Lewis/Kellerman, PG)

The Island of Dr. Moreau

Unsleeping (Montgomery/Aissa, PG-13)

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Soft Touch (Harry/Perry, R)
Under the Mistletoe (Harry, Perry/various celebrities, R)
Working through the Pain (Harry, Perry, gen, R)

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/The Salton Sea

Nothing Left to Grieve (Harry Lockhart/Perry van Shrike, Tom Van Allen/Jimmy the Finn, Tom Van Allen/Harry Lockhart, NC-17)


Daisy Chains (OFC/OFC, PG)


Constellations (Scott gen, PG)


Love Game (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Dog Days (Ray/Crow Horse, NC-17)
Surprise (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
How My Heart Behaves (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Restless (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
The Value of Things (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Life in Traction (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Snow Blindness (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Solstice (Ray, Grampa Reaches, gen, G)
Hard Times (Ray/Crow Horse, NC-17)
Unspoken (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Backdraft (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Game Change (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Popping Trees (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Indian Summer (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Identify (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
And He Kissed Me til the Morning Light (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Heat Wave (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Mourning Dress (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Sweet Thing (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Honey Trap (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Polaris (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Hands-On (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Family Ritual (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Federal Bureau of Illumination (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Welcome Home (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Thunder Rolling In (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Slow Burn (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
And Miles on Beyond (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Holding Patterns (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Balancing Act (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Trouble is a Friend of Mine (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Brick (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
Ticket (Ray/Crow Horse, G)
Delta (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Blindfold (Ray/Crow Horse, R)
In Grace (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Like Nails in My Feet (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Take Cover (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
Court Date (Ray/Crow Horse, NC-17)
Sugar, Sugar (Ray/Crow Horse, PG-13)
The Heart of the Matter (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
Critical Condition (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)
A Simple Guide to Shapeshifting (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)


On Poetry (Doc/OFC, PG-13)

Top Gun

Smart Mouth (Ice/Slider, PG-13)
Delayed Gratification (Ice/Slider, NC-17)
Slip Landing (Ice/Maverick, PG-13)
Gravity (Ice/Maverick, PG-13)
Tethered (Ice/Maverick, PG)
Shark Week (Ice/Maverick, R)
The Eye of the Storm (Ice/Maverick, NC-17)
Hurricane Blues (Ice/Maverick, NC-17)
Sugar High (Ice/Maverick, PG-13)
Breathless (Ice/Maverick, PG-13)
Mustangs (Ice/Maverick, R)

X-Men: First Class

Disadvantage (Charles/Erik, PG-13)

Favorite stories of 2011:

Love Game (Thunderheart, Ray Levoi/Walter Crow Horse, R)
Junior slides his irritated look from Crow Horse to Ray. “You got a whole quarter Indian, huh? How much Indian you gonna have in you when Crow Horse here takes you home?”

The boys laugh, and Ray feels himself flush, humiliated and angry. He starts to speak, but again Crow Horse speaks for him. “Helluva lot more than if he went home with you, Junior.”

This one just worked out. One of the things I love about Ray and Crow Horse's relationship is that they're willing to go all-in for each other. Er, pretend I didn't make that lame pun, okay? The point is: LOVE.

The Eye of the Storm (Top Gun, Iceman/Maverick, NC-17)
Ice’s eyes went heavenward, but Maverick found it far more rewarding to watch Ice. Ice leaned back in the car, his cheeks heating, his lower lip trembling. Maverick worked on him with his hand, watching Ice’s hands tighten to white-knuckled on the lap bar.

Their car was reaching the top of the Ferris wheel; the whole of the carnival spread out before them. At the horizon, the sun was setting, painting the sky orange and red. The sunset reflected in Ice’s pale eyes, making them appear bronze. His heated cheeks and molten eyes; Ice looked anything but cool in this moment. His chest heaved and he thrust up into Maverick’s hand, and Maverick felt like he had that day in the VA, like he was seeing a secret side of Ice, something special and hidden that no one else knew about.

Oh my God, I cannot believe I wrote so much Top Gun slash this year. I cannot believe I wrote Ice/Maverick at all. But now I'm kind of into it! God help me.

Nothing Left to Grieve (Harry Lockhart/Perry van Shrike, Tom Van Allen/Jimmy the Finn, Tom Van Allen/Harry Lockhart, NC-17)

Perry bore his touch, but it didn’t ease the haunted, sad look from his face, so Harry reached up with his other hand and cupped Perry’s cheek. It was a careless action-Harry thought maybe he’d seen it in The Godfather, and for a fleeting instant it had seemed a manly show of solidarity, but then Perry leaned into his touch, his eyes squeezing closed, and Harry realized how intimate a gesture it was. But Perry looked less sad, almost relaxed, and Harry was so relieved that he pulled Perry into a hug.

Perry cried out a little, half gasp and half moan, and for a second Harry was run through with panic: oh, crap, he’d gotten the gay activation sequence started. But he could feel Perry all against him, and Perry wasn’t hard. Perry was so still, like he was afraid if he breathed he would spook Harry away, and Harry wondered, the question falling into his head like with the grace and heft of an anvil, how long it had been since Perry had been touched.

There is no reason this fic should have worked, but it did! I think Tom deserves a happy ending, and I think that Harry and Perry's friendship could definitely grow into something more, given the proper circumstances.

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