dear yuletide author

Nov 16, 2011 15:35

Dear Yuletide Author,

Hi! This is my second year doing Yuletide; I had a wonderful time last year, and I am super excited for this year. I'm sure I will love whatever you write, but I've included some information on why I love the fandoms I chose, and what I love about stories in general.

In general, I love words and writing. I am currently working on my master’s degree in writing. I love how language works, and how you can use it to build stories. I love quick wits and perpetual motion machine plots, stories that contain within themselves absolutely everything you need to understand them.

I tend to be more interested in character-driven plots. I love characters who choose the Right Thing over the Smart Thing, who choose the Right Thing even when it is detrimental to every aspect of their lives. I like smart characters, and virtuosos; I tend to respond very positively to characters who are extremely gifted at something. The something in question doesn’t matter-languages, grifting, the trumpet-though I do admit particular weakness for gunslingers. I like strong female characters, and characters of color with agency and personality. I am not very particular about whether the pairing is het or slash, etc., but I prefer fondness and familiarity over hardcore sex scenes; I tend to be moved by quiet moments and small details.

1. Thunderheart
Here's what I wrote in my request: What I love best about "Thunderheart" is the characters. Ray's awakening, Crow Horse's badassitude, Maggie's bravery. I'd love some backstory fic: something about Ray's first undercover assignment, or Maggie's college days. Or maybe some buddy cop stuff with Ray and Crow Horse; I love them together. I'm not really interested in reading about Coutelle or Milton, but beyond that, I'd love to read about anyone!

My love for Thunderheart is enormous; it's my primary fandom these days. I've written both fic and meta, which you can find here. Any Thunderheart fic would be wonderful, but I am partial to Ray/Crow Horse, and I'd really prefer not to read fic where Maggie's a love interest; she's this rare thing, a fierce, totally-realized female character whose job isn't to be someone's girlfriend, and I'd hate to spoil that. Also, if you write Maggie background fic (which I would love!) do note that I do trigger pretty hard to rape stuff.

2. Homicide: Life on the Street
Here's what I wrote in my request: I would love some lighter fic from this fandom. As much as I love the show when it tackles Deep Issues, it's often very painful to watch, and I would really love something not so heart-crushing. Something like the Lewis and Kellerman partner goofiness in "The Hat." You know, before everything went to hell.

I just finished watching Homicide for the first time, so my fannish glee is all new and shiny! This show has so many things I love: it is well-written, character-driven, and has main characters that are women and people of color (and sometimes both!) It tells important stories; it speaks for people and issues that aren’t often discussed in television. I love some of the characters, their bravery and good hearts and their humor in the face of some of the ugliest parts of life. That said, it is often painful to watch. I'm hoping for a less painful fic. I love Lewis and Kellerman together (I love their partnership even without romance, but if you feel so inclined to include makeouts on stakeouts, I wouldn't mind.) I'd prefer for them to be the focus, but feel free to include as many other characters as you'd like; I'm particularly partial to Gee. I have written a couple stories in this fandom; you can find them here.

3. Real Genius
Here's what I wrote in my request: I love how fun this movie is! I'd love to know more about Chris' adventures; I can't believe the events of the movie are the only time he's managed to get himself into trouble. I don't really ship for this movie, but feel free; as long as there are hijinks, there can be sex, too.

This movie is a hoot! I love how clever it is, and how fun; I love quick wits and virtuosos, so Real Genius is right up my alley. I love the interpersonal dynamics of the group, so I'd love to read an ensemble story, but I'd also be interested in Chris having adventures on his own. I've never written fic for this fandom, but I did write some meta here.

thunderheart, fanfiction, cinema, fandom, yuletide, hlots

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