first kiss meme

May 24, 2007 00:50

Comment with two characters I write know, and I'll tell you about their first kiss.

So far:

Angel/Seeley Booth for kita0610
Brooke/Sam for neverneverfic
Darla/Drusilla for lafemmedarla
Fred/Angel for myhappyface
Faith/Connor for cornerofmadness
Faith/River for madcap_shiny
Buffy/Faith for fake_smile

story post, popular, bones, angel, fandom, buffy, memes

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carlyinrome June 6 2007, 04:41:38 UTC

Hope you like it, sweetie.

Faith had never had a lot of female friends. It wasn’t that she wasn’t feminine, she figured, but that most girls were too fucking whiny, and she was better than that. But B was special, special enough that Faith made an effort, which she normally didn’t do unless demons were involved.

So she put up with the girl stuff.

It was better when they were busy, because then they could just slay and not talk; they complemented each other perfectly in the field, as long as it was just killing things and not trying to make conversation. It was like they were dancing.

But when things were slow, there were long, wanting silences, and the uncomfortable fumbling of words. Buffy wanted to talk about her day at school, her mother who loved her, her friends who adored her. Faith either didn’t care - fuck, if she’d wanted to hear about school, she would have fuckin’ stayed there - or got irritated, and then tried to switch topics. But Buffy didn’t want to talk about fun stuff - partying, boys, sex - especially not boys and sex. Faith didn’t understand; if she had boinked the undead, she certainly would have let people know. But Buffy always got so damn huffy about the subject. The hell.

“Angel is none of your business,” B was saying, but shit, she was always saying that.


“Faith, listen-”

Buffy was so focused on their conversation that she didn’t see the change in the shadows coming upon them. But Faith did; she wasn’t really listening anymore.

There was a brief tussle. The vampire ended up staked, Faith ended up with another demon death to notch her belt with, and Buffy ended up showered in ashes.

“What. The hell,” Buffy said as she began dusting herself off, her eyes narrowed to jade daggers.

“Relax, B. That’s hardly the worst thing that could have happened here.”

Buffy stewed silently. Faith sighed and went to help her clean up.

“Knock it off,” Buffy huffed, and slapped Faith’s hands away.

“I’m trying to help!”

Faith began dusting off Buffy’s coat again. Her hand brushed over B’s breast, and she stilled. Buffy still looked pretty angry, but Faith didn’t care. She took the girl by the shoulders, pulled her close, and kissed her soundly.

Buffy stiffened, but didn’t protest. When Faith pulled back, grinning, Buffy just looked sullenly back at her.

Faith kissed her again, and then pulled her to the ground. Buffy never looked at her the way Faith wanted, but she let her take her all the way. Again, and again, and again.

Who said Faith didn’t know anything about girls?


towards June 6 2007, 04:54:51 UTC
*just. fucking. drools.*

can i marry your brain? please?


fluffybkitty November 17 2007, 02:47:50 UTC
Really like this. Obviously the end is great :), but I love the start too. So very much like their dynamic in the show, but with a little Faith-insight to go with. Very nice.


juliet_demarcus January 2 2008, 08:47:10 UTC
I completely missed this meme. Great idea and I LOVE this ficlet. Yummy. Now I need to find a fuffy icon.


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