first kiss meme

May 24, 2007 00:50

Comment with two characters I write know, and I'll tell you about their first kiss.

So far:

Angel/Seeley Booth for kita0610
Brooke/Sam for neverneverfic
Darla/Drusilla for lafemmedarla
Fred/Angel for myhappyface
Faith/Connor for cornerofmadness
Faith/River for madcap_shiny
Buffy/Faith for fake_smile

story post, popular, bones, angel, fandom, buffy, memes

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Connor and Faith carlyinrome May 25 2007, 05:21:28 UTC

Faith’s memories hadn’t been tampered with. Even if she had, through some twist of fate, ended up walking through the doors of Wolfram and Hart, a Slayer carries a lot of magic, magic too much for the Senior Partners to tamper with.

It takes the Powers to mess with that kind of magic. (And sometimes they did.)

But Faith’s memories hadn’t been touched, and she remembered Angel’s son. The boy looked like he’d cleaned up a bit, though, which was kind of hilarious considering where they were.

“I remember you,” Connor said when Faith turned at the noise of the boy tripping over rubble.

“I remember you,” Faith said, and then turned from him and continued looking into the decimated cityscape.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, clambering to her side.

“I was going to ask you that. Way I remember it, you didn’t really care much for your old man.”

Connor frowned. “Things have changed.” Faith didn’t say anything, so after a moment of uncomfortable silence, he added, “You didn’t answer my question.”

“I love him,” Faith said. “Not, you know, hearts and flowers and silk sheets Buffy-love, but I love him. And I owe it to him to see if he’s alive somewhere in here.”

“I didn’t know you guys were-”

“It’s none of your business. Angel can tell you, if we ever dig up his undead ass.”

“I don’t know if we will. It was-”

Faith turned back to him finally, her eyes dark and wild. “You don’t know that.”

Connor had never been good with girls. He was used to a nauseous, choking feeling when constantly dropping the wrong words around women, but never had he felt it so strongly as now.

“You’re right,” he said. “He’s probably around here somewhere. I mean . . . he was-er, is-kind of a bad ass. I’m sure he’s fine.”

Faith raised a brow, but after a second, this expression faded beneath the bloom of a bright smile.

“Chip off the old block,” she said, and, without warning, leaned in and pressed a burgundy kiss to his cheek. “Let’s get crackin’, Junior.”


Re: Connor and Faith cornerofmadness May 25 2007, 14:06:26 UTC
I loved it. Them coming together to try to find Angel is great and the image of a burgundy kiss is lovely


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