Happy Endings Fic: "Release," Buffy/Angel, PG-13 for semby

Mar 15, 2006 09:55

TITLE: Release
PAIRING: Buffy/Angel
SUMMARY: If we work together, maybe we can get along.
SPOILERS: Through “Not Fade Away”
NOTES: Thank you to angel_negra and also shellybelle whose notes I got this morning for betaing. Beta readers = Eternal love
NOTES2: This was for semby, who wanted B/A or Wes/Faith -- and you all know I can't write Wesley -- with two ( Read more... )

fanfiction, story post, buffy

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Comments 20

juliet_demarcus March 15 2006, 16:56:23 UTC
Even though I'm a Spuffy shipper I have to say that was very good & well written. I was a Buffy/Angel shipper back in the day and I can appreciate this. You have a great talent for writing. I loved the way you worded everything and addressed the complexities of Buffy and Angel coming back together even in the best of circumstances for them -- Angel becoming human. Lovely.

Some of Whedon's characters deserve a happy ending after all.


carlyinrome March 15 2006, 23:16:17 UTC

Thank you very much for your kind words, sweetheart.



chrisleeoctaves March 16 2006, 18:49:06 UTC
I loved this, particularly the opening sections- the dreamy quality of the writing which describes, naturally, a dream. (Stupid thing won't let me cut and paste! grr.) Ok- so the observation that the moment that she turned her head, that tiny movement wasn't quite right- just a small detail, but so well placed. That he can't bear to look at her while he's killing her. That he wanted to grieve some place with a heart as broken as his ( ... )


carlyinrome March 17 2006, 02:12:58 UTC

You always leave such wonderful feedback. Truly, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that you take the time to tell me what you liked and why; it means so, so much to me. You made my day, really.

Actually, I agree with you about the Part One/Part Two thing, which is why I was having difficulties with it. If I'd been writing it for myself, I would have left it as it was at the conclusion of Part One; that, to me, felt finished. But it wasn't really happy so much as, I guess bittersweet or something, and didn't really meet the parameters of the challenge, so I added Part Two. I guess I like the suffering more than the kissing too, heh.

And of course you may archive it at Sublime. I'm always honored to have my stories there. Really, Chris, made my whole day. :)


marenfic March 21 2006, 01:43:37 UTC
I think this is wonderful-- a happy ending befitting the complexities of the couple. The first part is gorgeous and moody and really sets the stage well for the second part. The Protections are a great frame and you used them so judiciously-- they weren't as explicity referenced all throughout the second part but they were there with his grief and the imperfections of his human body. . .

I like that Angel doesn't forgive her for his friends, not yet anyway, but he loves her. And of course the dialogue is great. But you want to know my favorite part?

“You don’t sound fine. And you’re all bunched over on the far end of the bed . . . is it . . . is it because I threw up? I-”At first this didn't sound like Angel to me and then I read it again and it was exactly Angel, as a newly minted human who does nasty human things like vomit. It was so subtle, the way you introduced his insecurity and drew it back to the Protections. I adore it ( ... )


carlyinrome March 21 2006, 06:06:43 UTC

Oh my God, Maren, you always give the best feedback. I can't find anything to say except for thank you so much and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Really; you've left me speechless.



cornerofmadness March 25 2006, 04:29:58 UTC
wow, this was fantastic. I loved the use of the protections in this, working Angel through his grief. Even though Upali's prescene is very quiet, it's very captivating. The whole idea of Someplace with a Broken Heart is lovely.

And then later after it all, your human Angel is one of the most HUMAN ones I've ever seen done. His recovery being slow and painful is wonderful.


carlyinrome March 25 2006, 04:46:07 UTC

Thank you so much. All the things you appreciated were all things that I really, really worked hard to get right, so it really means a lot to me that you liked them.

I'm so glad you liked it, and thank you for letting me know. <3


cornerofmadness March 25 2006, 04:49:01 UTC
you're welcome. You've read so much of my stuff and I think this is the first time I've returned the favor. hangs head in shame


judsta36 March 29 2006, 10:09:36 UTC
Wow, that was really, really beautiful. It's so obvious you have given so much thought into this, especially with all the details of Sri Lanka and Buddhism. I must admit, I just love it when fics can make me feel like there is nothing but me and reading and this is just... wow!

Thank you very much for this... I'm one of those people who continually search for a happy B/A fic and I'm so glad I've found this. Thanks for making me smile.


carlyinrome April 1 2006, 22:42:21 UTC

And thank you for the lovely feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

- Lamia


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