FIC: They Change! (Thunderheart, Walter Crow Horse/Ray Levoi, PG-13)

Aug 08, 2019 15:50

TITLE: They Change!
FANDOMS: Thunderheart
PAIRINGS: Ray Levoi/Walter Crow Horse
SUMMARY: They were laying together in bed, the warmest place in the house, playing a game in Sioux to get Ray's Lakota better. Walter frowned. "That's a trick question, and you know it." Written for Day 8 of Writer's Month 2019 for the prompt colors.

It was early January and their day off, and they were snowed in. This wasn't something Ray took well, so Walter was trying to keep him busy. Now they were laying together in bed, the warmest place in the house, playing a game in Sioux to get Ray's Lakota better.

"What color is the sky?" Walter asked.

Ray answered slowly, carefully. He was still learning. "The sky is blue. What color is the grass?"

"The grass is green. What color are my eyes?"

"Your eyes are brown. What color are my eyes?"

Walter frowned. "That's a trick question, and you know it."

Ray raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry? Do you not know what color my eyes are? We've been dating for a year and a half."

"They're-that ain't a fair question. They-they change!"

"They change," Ray repeated.

"Yeah," Crow Horse said. "Cuz of what you're wearing or how dark your skin is cuz of the sun, or how you're feeling, even. Sometimes they're blue, sometimes green, sometimes grey. Sometimes gold, and sometimes almost brown."

Ray was quiet. Walter sighed. "Don't be mad-"

"I don't think anyone has ever noticed that before," Ray said softly.

"I notice lots about you, Ray," Walter said, just as soft, and brushed his knuckles over Ray's cheekbone.

"They're hazel," Ray said. "Officially. That's what it says on my driver's license, anyway. I don't know how to say that in Sioux."

"There's no word for it in Sioux."

"Great," Ray said. "So what would I say?"

"Ištá zizí."

"Um, pale? Pale eyes?"

"That's right."

"Hmm," Ray said, then, "Ištá zizí." He looked at Walter. "I like the way you said it better."

"In Sioux? You said it right, pronunciation's good-"

"No. I mean before…"

"Oh," Walter said. He leaned in, kissed Ray softly. "Would you like me to tell you some other things I've noticed about you?"

"Yes, please," Ray said, pulling Walter over him.

"One thing I've noticed," Walter said between kisses, "is how ticklish you are right here."

Ray hated being tickled. It devolved quickly into begging, then wrestling, then laughing, then sex.

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