Jan 23, 2010 21:53
Ok I know this is SUPER late, but I just read a freinds journal and it reminded me that when my kids were born I had a plan to right a little something about them on their birthdays, and I kind of forgot. So here goes!
Trent is a hilarious child. His personality has alwasy astounded me and each year I get a better grip on understanding him. He is an interesting combo of stubborness and sensitivity all rolled into one. He can try my patience to the point of sheer frustration or be the most tender hearted little guy. Disciplining his is a serious balancing act.
I have finally figured out that Trent has a bit of an obsesive personality. When he is into something he is into it. He planned his pirate party for 6 months and the day it was over he became a transformer and has not looked back. He doesn't just like these things, he becomes them, in fact we all become them. And thanks to Ethan's side kick status it works out well for Trent.
Trent is FINALLY getting somewhat independent. He is king of "I can't" but is finally starting to experince the joy of doing things for himself. With out some proding I think that kid would have me dressing him for the rest of his life. He is so sweet, comforting me if I have a headache. He can be such a brat but the second he realizes some else is hurting he transforms in an instant.
My favorite lines from him, "When how are we gonna....." or when he talks to Adia in a high pitched voice, "Adia, baby gril!" My least favorite line ,"but mom, but mom, but mom!" Trent is becoming fun to hang out with this year. His thoughts about things, questions about God and concern for others touches my heart. He is intense and focused, and has an odd little sense of humor. So curious what he will become one day!