Cliches are cliches for a reason

Jun 02, 2012 17:22

If there's one sentiment I've heard countless times since my husband left it's "this is a new opportunity for you" or "when one door closes, another opens" or "God has a plan for you." I smile, I nod, and I know people mean well.

But oddly (or not) the last couple of months have changed me in some positive ways. I've always been a control freak. I'm horrible at asking for help and not very good at accepting it. I'd rather do it myself, I want it done my way, and I want it started and finished. The down side of that, other than the massive stress, is that I often procrastinate, because if I don't think I can do it perfectly and finish it now, I won't start.

Now I'm left with an endless list of jobs that never got done, weren't done right, or were half done -- in the house, in the yards. I can't do it all. I can do some of it, I can delegate some of it, but I've had to ask for, and hire, help. And I'm getting better at accepting help, and letting people do their work without my advice, interference, or supervision.

I'm less stressed in general, and more patient in the sense of accepting that things take time. Not every job will be finished today. Most won't. So many are in various states of partial completion that sometimes I lose track. Things will happen, things will change, in time, in their own time.

But oddly, I'm ok with it. I'm gentler, more accepting, more forgiving toward myself than I ever remember being. I don't think I'm any gentler, any more accepting or any more forgiving toward other people, but maybe that will come in time.
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