but deep inside..

Jun 22, 2005 10:21

Cedar Point yesturday with "05 YB" aka, cousino yearbook staff... SOooo much fun.. For the first time ever, i went on everything i wanted to. I grew some balls, went on the magnum, mantis AND power tower. I've never been afraid of millenium, but the magnum always freaked me out.. as well as power tower and mantis. what a baby. whatever though, it was so much fun!

As for now, i'm working..I did take this weekend off, though, which will be nice. I'm sure I will miss the Royalty house dearly, but I will live.

Sunday= Sarah's graduation party. Aw, this is all so weird. I still don't have a clue what I'll be wearing to that. oh well.
Oh wait.. isn't Jesse's party Saturday then??
Yayyy! I MISS JESSE. I used to see her everyday, and tell her all my life story on the car rides to and from school. now we never see each other :(

Summer is great. Even if everything in my life sucks, summer makes it worth it. Honestly, stuff hasn't been good, at all really.. but the fact that it's summer just cheers me up a little.

Somebody keep me busy at work today..
call me or something :)
email me?? carlyporter14@hotmail.com
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