Merry Christmas Eve, to you!

Dec 24, 2004 12:06

Yay--Christmas finally feels like it's HERE!! I'm so excited. The Porter's have spent the morning cleaning, cooking, and wrapping presents to have our family over a little bit later. It will be weird/sad without Grandpa here, because he seems to be the life of the party sometimes with his sarcastic remarks, but he'll be alright. Maybe he'll be outta that hospital by his birthday(which is coming up in January)?

This year, thinking about the upcoming holidays, hasn't really felt the same. I haven't really gotten all that excited, or anything, like I normally would. It's kinda sad, but not completely. I think about all the changes that have recently occured and I don't feel so happy about them. Then, I think about all the other family's, that are so much less fortunate then me, at a time like this, and my heart goes out to them. I'm so very thankful for all the things that I've been blessed with, and with that thought, my perspective shifts.

Last night, I was going to have some of the girls over, and a few of them were going to come. But then, they decieded there was cooler stuff to do. Soo, being that those certain people don't mean all that much to me anyways, I wasn't very upset. LoL. Toni came over, we chilled, and had ourselves a good ole time :)

No practice untill Monday. Makes me veryy happy! But then again, I'm dreading that Monday practice, after we've been pigging out all weekend, and we're going to have to work it all off--oh boyy.

I'm off to get ready for the day-- so I'll leave you with this:

*Merry Christmas Eve* !!!!!
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