(no subject)

May 15, 2006 12:50

Phew! I haven't posted on here in awhile so I figured I was due.

Hmmmm where to begin! Brian and I finally did some laundry, and when I got my jeans out of the dryer they had this huge rip on the waistband where it connects to the pocket... and not even having a little sewing kit around I decided to go buy a new pair of jeans (this being right after I decided I was spending too much money). So Brian and I went shopping at Urban Outfitters and had a great time, we both got a pair of pants, his being $10 and mine being $77, but we were both very pleased :D I am totally obsessed with that store, thats really the place I should be applying... I've just got to get a bit cooler first.
Oh! earlier that day I was supposed to go with Brian to school with him, but on our way out of the apartment we saw Robin and she asked me if I wanted to come walk around downtown and go shopping with her! So we did that, and I had a really good time! I like Robin, she's pretty awesome. So we both meet Brian back at school after his class and then Brian and I go jeans shopping from there and Robin goes and works out.
Our plan after shopping as also to go drink Sangria on the roof of Sky club again (gay bar) but we were both pretty cold, as the sun had started to go down... so we went to American Apparel and were going to buy sweaters and return them the next day! (we're so sneaky). But we decided we liked them so much that we should keep them, and they were only $20 each anyway. Brian couldn't find a sweater that he liked as much as mine in the guys section, so he got the same one as I did in an XL... and it didn't even make him look gay!
So we go drink sangria and have a good time, altho it's pretty cold out. So at this time I realized that one pitcher split only between the two of us makes me drunk. So halfway thru I'm starting to get kinda dizzy and disoriented... interesting. So by the time we finish our pitcher I'm feeling kind of wonky... we're both hungry so Brian helps me and we stumble over to McDonalds for a burger, then home to sleep.

Hmmmmm, what else... on Wednesday I didn't have anything to do, so I went to Brian's class with him, as it was only supposed to be an hour..... but it ends up being 2. So during the break we get Ice caps and totally skip the second half. It was ok though, kind of interesting... Brian is really slow at taking notes so I decided to take over for him so I was really listening. Honestly all the days are a blur, I don't remember at all what we did after that... we probably just came home and made peanut butter and banana sandwiches for supper.

Thursday was pretty crappy near the end, during the day I went for a 2 hour walk and ended up at Second Cup to hang out while Brian was working for about an hour and a half... I just read my book and he got me free drinks. Pretty tired at that point, but I forgot my bus pass so we had to walk home. Then, because the internet was down, we had to go to school for Brian to do some things and print stuff off. Once that was done, we figured we could go to the dollar theatre. So movie starts at 930, its now 9, and we're at Concordia and the dollar theatre is way far away. So we hop on the metro and we're really rushing, have to do all this walking, my stupid shoes are giving me these huge blisters.... so I'm in this horrible mood and just not feeling well and want to go home. So we get to the movie 20 mins late, and the guy said they were having problems so the movie just started... wooo. So we watch 16 Blocks, which was a decent movie, not too bad, and then have to walk the 10 minutes to the bus stop. We get there and sit around but no bus is coming... finally we start to head to the metro and the bus shows up, and we hop on. We get off at the wrong stop, and have to walk another 15 minutes home. Finally home, I'm soooooooooooooo tired, but we have to wake up at 630am the next morning!! Because we randomly planned on going to Ottawa for the day!

Phew, so Friday morning comes and its not so bad... get some McDonalds breakfast, pick up the rental car (idiots don't have any small cars so we get a van instead, costs me $50 for half a tank of gas!!!) and start driving! Everythings good, we get to the National Gallery and check it out, but after awhile I start to feel really sick. I'm really exhausted and my throat is killing me. So we finish up there, which was pretty cool, and go eat our lunch... but it's raining and crappy outside, so we can't just eat on a bench somewhere.... so we find this little ledge under this statue and eat there... ends up being ok :)
So we're both tired and don't really feel like checking out any other musuems at this point so we walk around the little downtown-y area with all these fruit stands and stuff, and its nice. So it's still raining, and our umbrella sucks, so we decide to use Brian's gift card from the Bay and grab a fancy new umbrella! Its super nice... and then we step outside and it stops raining :P. But after that we decide that we want to walk around in the mall more, so we go back in and hunt for the RENT soundtrack for the way home. Find it, eat some cinnamon buns, and then decide to start heading home. First we drive by Stephen Harper's place (not that impressive) and then park in some parking lot and take a nap before the 2 hour drive. Then its RENT all the way home... we listen to each disc twice, altho the second time Brian's jaw hurt from singing too much ;) he is so amazingly cute.. he sang out loud to every song!

So we get home, return the car, and I'm feeling pretty crappy...we have a bit to eat then go to bed right away. So halfway thru the night I start having some crazy nightmares or something, because I wake up and I'm in so much pain and I can't breathe and I just start freaking out and crying. it was crazy, and pretty scary. So we decide that I should go to the doctors tomorrow because something is obviously going on. Brian works til 12, then we eat some McDonalds and grab a cab up the mountain to the hospital. I'm not feeling too bad this day, so the hospital wasn't too bad. Brian had to do some errands, but came back and sat with me, which was nice, and brought chocolate bars and drinks. There was a tv in the waiting room, which is something we do not have, so it was nice. We watched Batman Returns and some show on Skinheads on TLC. The 5 hours flew by and I was seen, only to (of course) be told I only had a virus, apparently despite my crazy hallucination thing. He does give me a number to call on Monday to make another appt with the ear/nose/throat guy because I have an interesting lump back there that could be something. But I phoned them today and I got a French answering machine... so I'll try again.

Wow, thats pretty much my week! Yesterday I slept til 4pm :D and all we did was go out and buy some groceries. We came home and made manicotti, and it was soooooo good! Mmmmmmm... best ever. Today isn't quite as slack, Brian already left for school to do an assignment and then go to class, and I'm going to meet up with him at 5 so we can go check out the $6 haircut place (because I need a haircut sooo badly) and then we're going out to supper for our 3 month anniversary! Can't believe its 3 months already!

Anyway, I'm always on the computer doing nothing, maybe I'll start regularly updating this so I don't have these massive posts!
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