Nov 03, 2006 03:46
I haven't updated in a while. Why? Haha. I have morning sickness all day and all night like you would not believe. I have tried everything I swear. Crackers, water, milk, salad, grazing all day, fruits, juices, vegitables, not eating meat, NOTHING IS HELPING!!! I have felt like crap for nearly 2 weeks now and it's enough to make me not want kids after this one. My mom was lucky and never got sick with any of us and now BAM. Poor Brad keeps trying to make me comfortable and have meals ready for me but I just shrug it all off and go back to bed. I feel like a horrible girlfriend. Sadie keeps coming in and licking my face wondering when her mom is going to get out of bed. Ugh! My first ultra sound is on the 10th. When I went to my appt. before it was seriously a waste of time. The doctor took my blood and said "yup your pregnant"..well no crap? He didn't check HCG or anything...then he tried to give me my flu shot after knowing I was pregnant. The nurse put her foot down on that and I thanked her and left. Needless to say I am switching doctors. I called around and found a good one I do believe. The nurse stayed on the phone with me and told me all the do's and don'ts. Shouldn't the doctor that told me I was pregnant have done that? Anyway, the new nurse put my mind at ease on a lot of things. She also said I needed to get off Zoloft as quick as possible, but since it's not a medicine you can just stop it's been rough. I'm getting off of it faster than I probably should and I think that is screwing with me too but I guess it's not safe for the baby at all. Another thing doc #1 failed to tell me. I swear they are just out for the money. *AAAAACHEW* I can't stop sneezing. Can't you tell it's just a bucket of joy at my house? Poor Brad is exhausted. It's 2:45 and I can't sleep...I kept waking him up every 5 minutes because I was uncomfortable so I finally just got up and gave him the bed. Does anyone have any thing that helped them get thru their morning sickness/blahs. Any foods that helped? Anything at all. I'm open to anything at this point. Also I'm getting bad headaches. Did it happen to you? What'd you do for it? Is taking anything safe? I'm just all around BLAH! That lump in your throat when you feel like you would be better off to puke and get it over with...yup...2 weeks of that going on. The "ooooo this sounds good.....*eats it* ...this is freakin gross why am I eating this?" Blah Blah BLAH! Ok. I am going to try to curl myself into a ball and relax with my puppies. Wish me luck. I love you Bradley.