I know, I know, it's been a while!

Dec 09, 2002 12:30

Hello everyone, it's me the livejournal slacker. I've actually been busy with homework and regular work that I just haven't had time to write. I'm usually dead tired when I actually do have time, at which point I collapse on my loft! It's ok though, I really don't mind.
So life has been hectic, and for someone reason Saint Michael's has class this week and then finals next week. Can you say messed up? It's all good though, because I would be screwed if all my work was due last week, that just wouldn't have happened. It took a miracle to get most of it done for this week! But I am so excited for this semester to be over. It's time for new classes, and I'm and so done with my liberal arts requirements except for a two hundred level religion. Piece of cake!
Things have been different lately. I've really started letting people know that I am one person, and I am sick and tired of bending every which way so they can have an easy life. I've just made some decisions and decided I'm really started to find what I want to do. Besides being a teacher metaphysics has made a world of difference for me! Laugh all you want, but it is truly amazing what you can learn about yourself and the world if you just put the effort into it when it comes to philosophy. Sure you can slack off and see it as a waste of time, no skin off my back, but for me personally it makes sense, and that's wonderful considering so few things in this world make sense. So that's my revelation as of late, I just want to teach and fall back on philosophy, in particular metaphysics!
I guess some of my friendships are less stable now, like with my roomie, but we are still friends, just differently. I do however that it has all made me stronger and I need that.
I guess the only other thing is that I cannot wait to go home so I can see my grandfather who was in Iowa and got really sick. I guess he seems to be ok to us, but he has told someone that anything can happen now that he is back in Vermont. Basically, I just don't even want to deal with that thought, and I refuse to. It's yet another blow and I don't know how well I can take it right now.
That's okay though, because I'm working on being positive. One day at a time, because otherwise it just hurts too much. Have a good day everyone!
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