OOC for Billie Joe

Mar 18, 2005 12:43

(This is an OOC entry for Billie Joe.

I am sorry that Carlton hasn't been around. But last night I was going to get on my phone. But I was incoherant and drunk. I feel asleep on the couch and shit. Yet... Last night was not the best night. Just too much shit going on that I don't want to remember. What happened to the storyline? and what is up? I'm kind of upset since I put my chars first. Kind of crazy that I am. I just want to be happy and in which i'm not but my char. storylines do and well... ya. Now.. eh. I'll see you on at 8 if you are on. Just because I have to go to a dinner tonight one of my friends is leaving.

Carlton player/ Kristen)

I'm so sorry... Just blame everything on me.. Blame me for everything you do. Deaths, cheating, murder, drugs, drinking, love, hate... FUCKING EVERYTHING! I knew this would happen..

I'm not over you. I don't care if you did something wrong.. I still love you. Just.. Just put all the blame on me.. Just don't leave me.. I love you so fucking much... *cries*

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