My little brother has his year 11 Leavers Ball tonight - he looks so grown up:
Doesn't he look handsome?! I like the second photo, but I wish his eyes were open more!! I straightened his hair - I think it looks ace. It's just a shame his girlfriend is in the year below because they could have gone together. (This all makes me feel so old, he's still six in my mind.) Mum's taken him to his friend's house just now because they're getting a limo to where they're going!!! Oooh. Swanky. Lol.
Oh!! Parents are so stupid - this woman on Radio 1 has just said that she buys 5 shirts at £17 each - one for each day of the week - for her daughter in year eight... errr, hello, don't buy five shirts - you can always wash them. There's this thing about how much crappy school uniform costs. Jeez.
Jacqui slept over last night - that was fun. We watched Red Dwarf Series 4 and a film called "Benny & Joon" which had a very young, shoulder-length haired Johnny Depp in it playing a kooky guy called Sam. He was cute. And we ate lots of ice-cream then the dog snaffled what we didn't eat afterwards when we weren't looking. (Jacqui was my taxi last night... thanking you mon ami...! xx)
Meanwhile, my foot is screwed. I think I landed on it too heavy last night at Bodyjam dance class, and it started to hurt so now I'm limping. Grr. It had better be better for this weekend because I've got a very busy weekend ahead - tomorrow, I'm meeting my friend at 12pm and we might be going to the gym, then she's having a do before she goes to CA for three weeks, then I'm going to be running around 9am - 5pm on Saturday taking money and such at this classic car show, then it's my friend's birthday so we're going out, Classic Car show 9am - 4pm, then it's my friend's BBQ on Sunday evening! Oh! And on Monday, I have a Fitness Trainer appointment with Rich at the gym at 11am.
Woo! I'm knackered just talking about it. Oh well, I'm going out with Mum for dinner tonight, so that will be cool hopefully.
Have a fun and frolicking Thursday evening.