The Show Must Go On...

May 11, 2004 00:02

So I haven't updated in forever, but I've been at my busiest ever, and I've talked with everyone who would probably read this anyway, so I don't think anyone is missing very much... It was so nice seeing everyone (or almost everyone, I missed one or two friends I'm sure). I can't remember the last time I was that happy. And mind you, that was in the middle of evil 6 and a half hour exams too. So I've just been so busy, and working so hard, but I'll be all over (well, the big stuff anyway) by the end of the week. So now I'm just desperately studying for the Latin test, on Friday (and no one will be there to see except Sonja, which is still great, assuming I manage to catch her). And when I say I'm studying, I mean all day. I wake up, have breakfast, immediately have lunch, work straight through until dinner, and then work until 9:30 at night. That's a lot of hours, especially for me. And some of that was with my latin teacher today, and he's coming back again tomorrow, as we still have book 12 to get through. I'm not going to do well on the test, I really mean it. The vocabulary is going to kill me. So I'll be working like I did today up until Friday, and then I'm done! Other than that life is going okay I guess, as I've been to busy to have a life lately. But it meant so much to see you at school. I hope to see you there again...
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