Apr 20, 2007 12:46
so me and my roommate had a 90s music revival last night. i busted out my old school everclear and meredith brooks cd. NO ONE better captured the duplicitous nature of females better than meredith brooks. case in point:
I'm a bitch,
I'm a tease,
I'm a goddess,
On my knees,
When you hurt,
When you suffer,
I'm your angel undercover,
I've been numb,
I'm revived,
Can't say I'm not alive,
You know I wouldn't want it any other way
bands such as savage garden, lisa loeb, and the immortal spice girls made appearances as well.
i totally forgot what it was that attracted me so much to the spice girls. and im still not that sure...even after rediscovering songs like "say you'll be there" and "who do you think you are".
i also forgot how much i loved everclear. back when i was an angry 12 yr old bitter about everything the world had handed me no one put my rage into such perspective as mr. art alekakis..
so yeah the 90s were pretty incredible. the 60s gave us Bob Dylan, thh Beatles, Joni Mitchell, Woodstock, the 70s gave us disco, the 80s, punk and new wave, and the 90s gave us absolutely useless music and the everlasting gift of 13 yr old girls singing lyrics like,
"Are you as good as I remember baby,
Get it on, get it on,
Cause tonight, is the night when 2 become 1...Be a little bit wiser baby, put it on, put it on,
Cause tonight, is the night when 2 become 1"
"I hate to but you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced
Are you thinking of me when you fuck her"
so thanks 1990s...you taught me what it was to be a woman.
and an idiot.