May 04, 2004 20:29
i haven't updated in a while and im bored. today was super boring. here is a chronological list of what i did today:
1. woke up at my first alarm which im not supposed to (6:30), i usually wake up at 7:00
2. got a shower
3. waited for matt to call me and tell me i can get a ride to school
4. matt called and said i couldn't get a ride to school
5. rode the bus for 30 min's on my way to school
6. went to first period with the gayest yet coolest teacher in the school
7. went to second period and took notes all of class
8. went to third period and tried to work the speech recognition software but it wouldn't type what i said, it made me rather angry
9. went to lunch and bought as much as i could so i spend all my money so donald hurst couldn't have any lunch...he wanted to use my account to get fries
10. went to fourth period with the worst teacher on this planet, she hates me with a passion and im scared of her. you know we haven't had a sub for her all freaking semester, she would die and still come to school
11. finally got out of fourth period after doing nothing in that class
12. found matt and got a ride home crunched in a 5 passenger car with 5 people in there
13. got home and slept
14. ate dinner
15. layed up in my bed looking at the ceiling
16. came downstairs where i am now acting like im doing h/w on the computer for strum
and that was pretty much my day so far. now i am going to go upstairs and go to sleep, or stay down here and talk to you people.