Because Carlisle does so much, here's a list to further explain!
deadlands_rp - Peter Carlisle vs Zombies! Peter is a survivor of a zombie apocalypse and he's continuing on as he always would. Little can shake DI Carlisle. [Ended]
Gene's World - AU where Peter ends up with his head bashed in and he's definitely gone over the rainbow. And yet there's more to his life than meets the eye.
Canon post-Blackpool - He sings, dances, solves crimes and steals your wife.
Addicted verse - Wittle Carlisle moved to London and started at boarding school with a young Sam, Gene and Jack. Just across from the young Sherlock Holmes, who goes to a poncy little genius school across from them. Peter plays the role of sidekick for the early years.
The two Peters - Peter Carlisle meets Peter Petrelli, it can get confusing. And not just because they share a name.