Feb 28, 2010 14:06
I have been extremely busy lately, extremely.
So I'll be updating you on quite a few things.
First, I have a boyfriend, amazing man thats just wonderful.
He puts up with a lot of my crap, and I can tell when I'm boring him with my details so that helps me to quickly stop.
His name is ladfksldk <- That means I wont be telling you. If you're on here and not my FB or MySpace it'll probably stay that way.
He's a great guy, he's very smart, has a huge ego and he's great in alsjfldksjfalkdj. xD
See that one I could have meant anything, oh but you'll never know!
I'm in Classical Labs for School, which pretty much is exhausting me. I'm really scared. I don't want to fail and I just have this huge doubt on myself. Of course I don't think I will fail, but you never know, right? Nope you don't.
I know I'll do perfectly fine. I've got an A in everything but my intro to writing class. If I keep it that way I'll be a TA again next semester.
So everyone pray for me!
I think I just became less stressed after asking for prayers, that's always a good thing! I'm only stressed because it's a huge test. 2 Tortes, a dessert plate and 8 petit fours. Ugh! I'm so worried.
I'm certain I'll be fine, but! GAH!
I just realized I have to finish something....
-Scurries off to finish it.;