How to Turn on a Time Lord, Lesson Two: Pub Quiz (2/2)

Apr 04, 2008 10:36

Title - How to Turn on a Time Lord, Lesson Two: Pub Quiz (2/2)
Author - The Carlisle Cooperative
Rating - MA
Characters - Ten, Rose , Jackie
Spoilers - None.
Disclaimer - Alas, none of the characters portrayed herein (including the TARDIS) belong to the Carlisle Cooperative. We write this story out of deep love and respect for the characters, especially as created by RTD, but recognize that they are the property of the BBC.
Summary - Rose practices what she learned in Lesson One.
Author’s Notes - Thank you again to everyone for your support this past week. It’s been…a surreal experience, all things told, and it’s been wonderful knowing that there are folks out there who were as outraged and upset as we were. There’s a post up over at stop_plagiarism, now; I don’t know that anyone will be surprised to learn that ours was hardly the first story blatantly stolen.

Next up will be the Series Four Hotness Quotients. As with the other HQ’s, we’ll post them the morning of the US broadcast of episodes (that gives us some time to watch and comment!). Bring on Series Four!

Chapter One
Chapter Two

He looked at the paper in front of him, blindly searched for a pencil as he decided that perhaps Rose being able to control her ability to turn him on wasn’t such a good thing. It was certainly looking like it was going to lead to him getting slapped by Jackie although, to be fair, he wasn’t entirely sure that was the result of Rose and her blasted pheromones.

He listened to the next question read aloud, turned to Rose in disbelief at the gross inaccuracy of the information. She glared at him, and he meekly reached down for his pencil.

Time dragged. The questions were either so simple as to be ridiculous-the only two non-metals on the periodic table ending in -ium indeed! Everyone knew that-or based on such bad information that he wasn’t sure how they could even ask the question. After all, the only reason Peter Frampton was able to make his guitar ‘talk’ was because both he and it were from FGoib4Su, and were in fact a legally bonded couple. The guitar’s parents would have been horrified to learn what an exhibitionist it had become.

He felt his eyes glaze over, the questions never seeming to end; he gnawed on the end of his pencil, pondering whether to write the real answer to the latest question, or to provide the answer a 21st Century Earthling would expect, when he felt a foot begin to slide up his ankle again. His eyes flew to Rose. She was studiously working on her answer, twirling the end of her pencil between her lips. His eyes narrowed; she slowly raised hers, her lips curling just at the edges in a sultry smile.

She’d taken her shoes off again; he gasped as her bare toes came into contact with the skin above his sock. Jackie raised her head, her gaze suspicious. “What now? Your toe bothering you again?” She didn’t bother to hide her scepticism.

“No. No, no, not at all. Just have…a kind of itch on my leg.” He grinned.

Jackie peered at him, finding nothing further to chastise him for, and turned her head to watch the emcee. The Doctor was vaguely aware of the man saying something, but his attention had locked on Rose. Rose, who had once again worked out exactly what to do to turn him on.

Her toes wiggled a few inches further up his shin, pushing as far as they could go under his trouser cuff; he felt his respiratory bypass kick in as the sensation overwhelmed him, her pheromones flooding through him like a raging river.

He wanted the bloody quiz to end already, wanted to scoop her up, carry her back to the TARDIS at a run, and make love to her the instant they got back to his beloved ship. She was wearing a skirt with no knickers; he could press her up against the door, her hands fumbling at his trousers as he worked to get the scrap of fabric she called a shirt out of the way…

He was suddenly called back to the present by Rose swiftly kicking his shin.

“What’d you do that for?”

“Time to score. Here.” He could see the laughter lurking in Rose’s eyes, as she handed him her sheet, knew that she was aware of exactly what she was doing to him. It wasn’t fair; he couldn’t retaliate, not here, not in front of her mother certainly. But oh, she would pay when they got back to the TARDIS.

Mel was now handing her sheet to him, even as she whispered not-so-quietly to Jackie, “He’s a lightweight, isn’t he? Pissed already, and he’s only taken two sips of his drink.”

“I am not-”

“’s something to do with his metabolism,” Rose interrupted in a knowing stage whisper to Mel. He took a breath to deny that there was anything wrong with his vastly superior metabolism, but was given a quelling glance from both Rose and Jackie.

Apparently he was the collector of quizzes. He wondered what he was supposed to do with them. He flipped through the sheets, almost snorting at some of the ridiculous answers, and then stopped on Rose’s.

He felt his hearts leap at what he read. Instead of answering the questions, she’d written him a message.



Blue and white.


I love the fact that my hands on you-your thigh, the small of your back-can drive you wild.


Helium and selenium.

You are clearly looking up my skirt at this moment, which is extremely rude and ridiculously hot.

David Beckham.

Boiling water.

Sewing machine.

I wish you were out of your trousers; it’s impossible to play footsie properly with you in them.

I love your manly, hairy legs. I really wish you were out of your trousers.

Left turn.


We need to get back to the TARDIS. Immediately. I want to shag you until you can’t remember how to speak English.

Ford Prius.

You need to stop groaning.

That thing you’re doing with your tongue…I need to snog you.
Beluga whale.

The Doctor stared at the quiz, making a small, strangled sound.

“What?” demanded Jackie. “What now?”

“Er,” said the Doctor. “Rose got the Peter Frampton question wrong. Ridiculous.” He lifted his eyes to her, smiling.

Rose smiled back, winked slowly. Her toes crept back under the cuff of his trousers, and he was so preoccupied with that that he relinquished the pile of quiz sheets to the emcee that was collecting them without thinking.

Rose’s foot disappeared, and the Doctor made a groan of protest.

“What’s he doin’ with the quiz sheets, Mum?” asked Rose, distracting her from the Doctor’s groan.

“Well, he’s got to tally them, hasn’t he? See how many we got right?”

Rose opened and closed her mouth, soundlessly. The Doctor looked at her, and his lips twitched.

“’S not funny,” she hissed at him.

“What’s not funny?” asked Jackie.

“Well,” commented the emcee from the front of the room, sounding amused. “We’ve got an interesting answer from someone on the Pink Ladies.”

The Doctor, amused, watch the blush spread over Rose’s skin. She would be flushed warm. He wanted her flushing against him.

“Apparently, she’s finding it difficult to play footsie with someone, because of the trousers he’s wearing,” continued the emcee.

Jackie, mouth agape, looked at Rose, who stared fixedly at the table. Jackie shoved the Doctor.

“Oi!” he complained. “I didn’t write that.”

“Don’t pretend you’ve got nothing to do with this,” snapped Jackie.

“Welllllll, I…” The Doctor made up his mind, standing. “Fine. I won’t pretend. Rose, we’re going home.”

“What?” she squeaked at him.

“We’re going home,” he repeated. “Now. Immediately. ASAP. Rapidamente. Let’s go.”

“Um,” stammered Rose, looking at her mother.

Jackie rolled her eyes and slid out of the way. “Oh, just go.”

“We…I mean…” Rose was blushing as she slid out of the booth.

“This,” said the Doctor into her ear, “serves you right.”

She glared at him. When his hand slid to find hers, she clamped down on every pheromone she possibly could. His lips quirked mirthlessly. “Cheers,” he said to Jackie and her girls, without looking at them, and then dragged Rose out of the pub.

“I didn’t mean to make a scene-” she began.

He turned to her abruptly, backing her tightly against the brick wall of the outside of the pub, pressing into her, and she gasped. “I’m taking you back to the TARDIS,” he growled at her. “I’m going to take my trousers off. You’re going to get even more naked than you already are. And you can shut down every pheromone you’ve got and it won’t matter, because I, Rose Tyler, would shag you right against this wall at this moment. And that would be making a scene.”

“Oh,” said Rose, breathlessly, staring at him.

“Yes,” he agreed, eyes hot and feverish and boring into her. “Oh.”

He reached down for her hand, turning quickly to the left to lead her back to the TARDIS. He was pulled to an abrupt halt by Rose, who was standing rooted to the spot.


“Unless you’re goin’ to make love to me against the skip, you wanna go this way to the TARDIS.” She tugged on his hand, walking purposefully in the opposite direction.

He followed her, falling into step beside her. “If you’d stop mucking about, I’d have known that.”

“I wasn’t mucking about.”

“You were. And you’ve no idea what you’re mucking with.”

She slid her hand from his, turning sharply right at the corner. He scurried to correct his course, falling into step alongside her once more. She stewed for another block, before finally speaking. “Of course I don’t. Because you won’t tell me!”

“Wait-we’re fighting now?” Hadn’t they just been flirting shamelessly?

She stopped, turning to him; he staggered to a halt, confused. “I finally worked out how to drive you as wild as you drive me. And it’s ok for you to drive me wild, but I can’t do the same in return?”

“No, Rose, it’s not-”

“’s not fair, your double-standard. I don’t care if you’ve got your superior physiology; I just want to be able to make you feel like I do, don’t want to worry all the time that it-that you’re not enjoying it as much as I am.”

He reached down for her hand, pulling her along the last several yards to the block of flats, up the stairs, into Jackie’s flat. He remained silent as he fumbled with the key to the TARDIS, as he opened the door, propelling her before him into his ship. She hastened up the ramp, moving towards the hallway leading to the interior.

He ran up the ramp behind her, taking her hand, turning her and pulling her to him. “Rose.” He leaned down, his nose trailing across her cheek, his hands holding her hips, his fingers brushing against the sliver of skin between her skirt and top. “I always feel giddy when you’re around.”

She wasn’t running away, but she was still resisting him. He sighed. “I…Rose, the feelings…I can’t think of anything else when you do that. And I love it. But…if…if we’re in a bad spot, and it happens…I don’t want you to get hurt because of it.”

“You think I’d be worried about foreplay if we’re in danger?” Her eyes flashed dangerously.

“No! But, if you didn’t know how to control it, if it just happened…”

“Then help me learn how to control it!” she pleaded, looking up at him.

He almost fell to his knees as her feelings washed through him; he felt his eyes flutter shut, heard a groan escape his lips. “That…you can’t do that when we’re…”

She leaned up, whispering, “Teach me how to control it. Teach me what to do.”

Her lips brushed against his cheek, trailing fire across his skin. His hands slid up, under her top, and he heard her sigh. “I just want to know what to do, to make sure you feel like I do…” she whispered, her lips placing a soft kiss at the corner of his jaw.

“That’s a good start. A very good-most excellent-start,” he replied, turning to capture her lips with his.

“Like this, then?” she whispered against his mouth, a pulse of feeling washing through him.

“Oh yes.” He slid his hands around her waist, his palms flattening against the bare skin at the small of her back and pulling her towards him. Her hands slid under his jacket, finding the place where she’d untucked his shirts. He gasped against her mouth as her hands slid upwards, along his spine.

“And that?”

“God yes.” He groaned, his entire body attuned to where her hands were, how her body pressed against his. He pulled back, forcing himself to break their kiss. “Bedroom. Now. Immediately.”

Her lips curved in smile, and she closed the distance between them once more. “Only if you promise to tell me what I’m doing right, and what I’m doing wrong.”

“Anything you like. Bedroom. Please.”

She stepped back, her hands sliding away from his skin. He felt bereft, cold reality intruding without her touch to warm him, without her pheromones flooding through him. He had the uncanny feeling she knew exactly what to do to control things, now-how to turn him on, how to turn it off, everything she could possibly need to know-but he was still looking forward to teaching her what she wanted to know.

She crossed to the hallway entrance, turning to look at him, beckoning with a sultry smile. “Coming?”

“Oh yes. Definitely.” He walked over to her in long strides, scooping her up and carrying her down the hall to his bedroom.

Rose nuzzled at his neck, brushing her nose against him, nibbling at his skin, her pheromones crashing through him.

“If you don’t want me to drop you,” he bit out, “stop that for a second.”

“Is that the first lesson?” she asked, and he could hear the amusement in her voice. Amusement. She was amused. He shouldered the door to his bedroom open, strode through, and paused only long enough to kick it shut behind him. He wanted to wipe that smirk off her face. He also rather wanted her to go back to doing the magical things that had put that smirk there in the first place.

He paused by the bed, hesitating, and then set her down on her feet instead. “Clothes,” he said, gesturing to her. “Off.” He pulled at his tie.

The scrap of cloth that had functioned as her top disappeared. She hadn’t been wearing a bra; he wasn’t surprised at all. His fingers stumbled along the buttons of his shirt. It seemed as if he couldn’t quite get them to work--they wanted to reach for her.

“So we have to be touching for it to work.” Rose was stepping out of those ridiculous stilettos. “Yeah?” she said, prompting him when he didn’t respond.

The Doctor forced his eyes away from the allure of her bare legs. “What?” he asked, dry-mouthed.

“Touching,” she said, slowly, enunciating every letter as if it would help him to understand.

“Yeah,” he said. “Touching.” Although he wasn’t so sure about that. Because they weren’t touching now, and he was ridiculously tense with anticipation over what it would be like once they did touch. Not touching, he was realizing, was just as effective as touching.

“Touching,” she repeated, stepping out of her skirt with an excruciating leisureliness.

He was fighting to get out of his clothing as quickly as possible.

“Slow down,” said Rose, amused. “I can help with that.”

“Skin to skin,” he said, pushing his trousers and pants off in one fell swoop.


“It’s better, for me, if it’s skin against skin. The more skin, the better.” He reached for her, now that they were finally both naked, but she took a frustrating step away from him.

“Wait a second,” she said. “Is that why you wear so much clothing?”

He was confused. “What?”

“Cut down on the possibility of accidental arousal?”

“Oh,” he realized. “No. It’s actually not…It’s not usually like this. I mean, a brush of skin, against mine, shouldn’t…You’re astonishing.”

“Oh, I like it when you say things like that,” said Rose, and stepped forward abruptly to press her body flush against his.

The pleasure momentarily blinded him. He had absolutely no control over the fact that he collapsed backward, immediately, onto the bed behind him, gulping for breath.

“Well,” drawled Rose, from somewhere at the foot of the bed, and if only he had the energy to lift up his head to look at her. “Never had that effect on a man before. I kind of like it. So what’s next?”

“What?” he asked, blurrily, trying to focus on her. The rush from her pheromones was wearing off. He was wondering how intense she could keep his buzz from her before she killed him. He was more than willing to find out.

“What should I do next, Doctor?”

“Touch me,” he gasped.


“Just…anywhere, just…keep…” He trailed off into utter incoherence as she pressed a fingertip into the sole of his foot, then pressed her palm against it. His entire body twitched in reaction. She ran her hands up his calf, stroking with the same steady rhythm, the same perfect pressure that he would have expected on another part of his anatomy, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he focused on her and the rush of the pheromones and the dizzying swirling never-ever-stop pleasure that she was pouring over him.

“I really do love these manly, hairy legs of yours,” she murmured, kissing a line up his thigh that made him buck against her.

She moved, stretching out over him entirely, lips hovering over his, every inch of the front of her body in contact with every inch of the front of his, and if he didn’t get inside her, immediately, right now, then-

Her pheromones vanished, abruptly, and he opened his eyes on a gasp like cold water had been dumped over him. Her eyes looked down into his, dark and still. Her body on his was tense. He couldn’t imagine the will power it took to hold in an automatic biological reaction like a pheromone.

“You’re a minx,” he growled at her. “You know exactly what to do here. So stop pretending you’ve no idea how to drive me out of my mind.”

She smiled, very slowly, and then leaned down to kiss him, and whatever she did emptied pheromones into him, until he shuddered uncontrollably underneath her, flattened his hands against her back and pressed her against him, as the pressure inside of him built and built and built. It should have been unbearable but it just felt incredible.

“Whatever thought you’re thinking right now,” he whispered at her, around her mouth, “I want you to think it for the next thousand years.”

“I can do that for you,” she whispered back, and there was something in her voice that made him pause and just look up at her.

She gazed back at him, inscrutable, her pheromones still flooding through him, his body coiling in anticipation of making love to her, of being driven over the brink again. He reached for her, pulling her back down to him, kissing her as though his life depended on it.

And, maybe, perhaps it did. He couldn’t imagine life without her, now, couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be bereft of Rose, and her pheromones, and her incredible control.

He rolled them, coming to rest on top of her, his hips pressing against hers. He felt a wave of anticipation wash through him, and wasn’t sure if it was his or hers. She looked up at him, a small smile on her lips. “Can I help you?” She thought whatever magical thing she’d been thinking before, causing his eyes to flutter shut.

“Oh yes. Definitely,” he groaned.

She reached up, pulling him down to her, whispering against his ear. “Show me.”

His eyes flew open, holding her gaze as he moved, as he shifted and slid into her. He groaned, the physical sensation of being sheathed in her only serving to amplify the effects of her pheromones, and he forced himself to pause, to catch his breath. Too much more of this, and he’d finish before she even came close to reaching orgasm.

“Don’t stop. Please.” She arched against him, trying to drive him deeper, wanting him to move against her.

“Lesson Two,” he gasped, the feeling of her moving under him, of her need pulsing through his bloodstream, nearly driving him to the brink. “Driving me wild before we make love means I need to take things slower…” He leaned down, concentrating on control, lightly running a tongue across her skin. He could taste her want, could taste how much she enjoyed this, and he reflexively arched into her.

“God yes,” she bit out, wrapping her legs around his waist.

He kissed a line across her neck, the brush of his lips interspersed with the press of his tongue against her skin. He slowly pulled out of her, fighting to keep things slow, as he whispered against her skin. “You taste heavenly. Like…like…huitsi on Bursoos. Like…like…” He took another taste, running his tongue up her breastbone, her pheromones flooding his senses. “Like Rose, like the best thing in the universe.” He slid back into her, causing her to arch her back, and he shifted his mouth to her breast.

He lapped at her skin, teasing her, nipping at the taut flesh before suckling. She sobbed, begging him not to stop, pleading with him to rock into her, to push her towards her orgasm. “Doctor…please…want you…please…” She shifted restlessly under him, her pheromones climbing to a crescendo as her hips moved against him, as her back arched.

He moved, his lips capturing hers, as he began to drive into her, rhythmically, pressing as far as he could before drawing back and doing it again. She rocked up into him, meeting his thrusts, kissing him hungrily; her hands had moved to his arse, and were pulling him to her, encouraging him to keep moving. “Oh! That!” she gasped, breaking their kiss; he swivelled his hips again, feeling the approach of completion as she groaned and rocked against him, as her fingers pressed into his bum. “That, please…Doctor…”

He leaned down, captured her lips, and rolled them. She blinked, confused briefly, before giving him a sultry grin. He felt another flash of lust pass through him, her pheromones ratcheting up to a level he thought was impossible to reach, and he pressed up into her. “Rose…” He groaned, wanting her to convulse around him, to bring him to orgasm.

She began to rock against him, her hands braced on his chest, her hips moving against his. She shifted, bringing her weight off of him before sliding back down, driving him into her. He shuddered, the sensation pushing him to climax as she repeated the motion; his eyes shut as he felt the coil within him tighten.

Rose leaned down, her breasts brushing against his skin, her lips brushing against his cheek. She began to slide against him, then, burying him as far as she could, creating maximum friction. His hands moved to her hips, encouraging her, helping her to pick up her pace, and he felt her exhale.

“Yes…oh…please….Doctor…” With a gasp she came, clenching around him, her pheromones pulsing through him, causing him to see stars. He rolled them again, not waiting for her orgasm to end, knowing he needed to be in control, needed to finish, immediately.

All it took was two thrusts, and he felt his own orgasm wash through him, the sensation heightened by the intensity of Rose’s feelings; he thought it entirely possible that he might pass out, his eyes clenching shut in ecstasy as his pelvis pressed almost painfully into hers.

Her fingers slid through his hair as he finally relaxed, her pheromones still pulsing, pouring through him, if possible even more intense than they had been before. “Rose…that…you’re going to kill me.” He opened his eyes, the room blindingly bright for a moment.

She hastily pulled her hands back, meeting his gaze. She immediately clamped down on them, and the sudden deprivation was almost painful. “No! Don’t…don’t…you can’t…” he gasped, his hearts racing, his body cold from the sudden lack. “Please…not so fast. It has to be gradual…”

She pulled him down to her for a kiss, whispering her apology against his lips. He felt a gentle flash of warmth course through him, and he sighed, content.

And then he slept.

romance, hedgehog, smut, how to turn on a time lord, ten/rose

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