The GTX 1080s finally came into stock long enough for me to buy. Problem, 1 per customer. Which means 48 hours before trying to buy again.
And after all of the other parts I've ordered got delivered, I found out I was missing the video card block bridge. I think I made a parenthentical mention that I had multiple windows open. Well, apparently putting stuff into the cart in one window and registering and placing the order in another meant this never actually made it into the cart. For some reason, EKWB thinks this one little bitty thing needs a signature. Sigh.
The shortage of graphics cards is making a mockery of my attempt to avoid a second "Silver Albatross." My first build, from the time I bought my first part to the time I (successfully) turned on the power, took over a year. Months and months of having a stack of boxes next to the living room closet. That's why I tried to buy *everything* all at once. I probably made some hasty decisions with part choices that I'm going to regret later, but I was not going to have a repeat of having a half-empty tower in my room. (Let's conveniently forget the part about it sitting in a luggage dolly for *years* until Mom finally got DSL at the house . . . )
Hopefully, I get it built before it gets *too* covered in dust. I'm going to want to die if I don't get it up and running before the year is out.
(I felt compelled to dig through my LJ to see all my entries about my first computer. First LJ mentioning buying parts was 4/21/05. First entry celebrating apparent successful assembly 1/14/06. First attempt to actually turn the damn thing on 3/16/06! WTF, Me! First albatross ref 4/30/06. Replaced PSU to no effect 7/10/06. I think I had already had a replacement mobo. Finally up and running 5/29/07. Holy, crap that was over two years. And I've wasted soooo much time because LJ archives requires clicking through every single day.)