Jul 14, 2008 19:05
Or maybe I can, and that's the problem. I went up to the park yesterday afternoon with Oscar's brother Robert, who was pimpin' the rollerblades. I had my quad skates on. This is the second time since I bought them (months and months ago) that I've actually gone out on them - the first time was a couple months ago, in the little garage area under my building. I pretty much skated very slowly from pole to pole, about ten feet apart, and then around in small circles.
The park we went to yesterday has a big track that goes around the central playing field, and of course it has various small declines and inclines. We went around the track three times. My battle scars include a nice colorful scrape down my right forearm, on the flexor side of the ulnar shaft, and a nice aching bum. There's a bench we had set our stuff at, and each time we came back around to the bench, we'd sit and rest for a minute and drink water. The first two times I came back around, I slowed down okay, and made it to the bench.. the final time, I didn't slow down quick enough (not quite proficient yet in tipping my foot down to drag the toe-stopper), and when I reached the bench and grabbed it my feet came out from under me. I have plenty o' padding on my ass, so it would have been fine if I had landed on one of my cheeks, but no. I came down right smack in the center. My coccyx took a beating. And now, my ass. It is sore.
I don't think I broke it, it would hurt a lot more if I had broken it, but the lower fibers of Gluteus Maximus attach to the coccyx, so of course it hurts whenever I stand up, sit down, or walk. Bleh.
I want it to stop hurting. Stupid sore butt.
In about a half hour I'm heading up to the U-District to meet Oscar for dinner at Araya's. Mmmm, panang curry. Then it will be off to Ballard to sleep, and wake up at the ass-crack of dawn for yoga at the gym tomorrow morning.
Good times. :D