Watching Red and Yellow Leaves Hit the NY Streets :)

Nov 06, 2005 23:06

This weekend was simply amazing because I got to spend it with my friend Ben who I haven’t seen in God only knows how many months. He's the type of guy that any girl would be lucky to date because he would do anything and everything to put a smile on your face. Although he is an avid red sox and patriots fan which doesn’t boa well with this hard care NY fan but the girls and I give him the benefit of the doubt!!!

Well, I was nervous about him visiting because well there is pretty much nothing to do in my town!!! You see my town consists of two types of people - retirees and multi-million house owners. My family moved here well before all the rage so we fall somewhere in between. I would have to say closer to the retirees rather than the millionaires but who‘s judging?

At any rate - Ben looked at my town's homepage and realized how lame it was and decided that we should visit the city instead. Now, I haven't been to the city in quite sometime - which to be honest I am regretful about since there are so many fun and exciting things to do!!! I mean I haven’t climbed the Empire State building since I was I don’t know ten. So, when he brought up the idea I was jumping at the chance. Unfortunately my good friend had a run in with Jack D the night before which caused him to be as his sister put it - comatose, or to be nicer not up to par. As a matter of fact the moment he walked in my house pounding Poland Springs made me realize that this was bad news. With this we had a late start to the city which meant that we weren't going to do a ton of site seeing or museum hopping. BUT that didn't really matter because I had a good time regardless. We spent the day in “The Village“ which I have never been to, so I was super excited. As a matter of fact we even passed one of the bakeries that was filmed on the Sex and the City!!! So, we basically wondered, went out for a fabulous dinner, and took in the cool and crisp fall air. All and all it was the perfect day for a walk so I just considered this a nice long one.

Even though this was fabulous I would have to say the best thing we did was meet up with his older sister -who in fact moved to the city just last year. She's the type of girl that gets excited about the little things and couldn't wait to list off a variety of places for us to go. Spending time with not only her but also her friends made me realize how badly I wanted to be LIKE THAT. There she was living in the city, always having something to do, looking fashionable, and visiting only the coolest places. It was as if I was on an episode of sex and the city BUT it wasn't dolled up for HBO. It was just real - ya know?
At any rate her friends were sipping wine and telling us one hilarious story after the next when she asked me if I had ever been abroad. Of course I hadn't although I mentioned that my roommate had gone to Greece and had the time of her life. She agreed and stated how I should just GO. I looked at her and said - I have a job and school. She said well when are you starting school? I said not till January. And she said perfect!!! That's plenty of time to pack and bag and take off. She said you’re young. Max out your credit card and have an experience that will change your life.

With this statement I had an "O" moment. You know one of this moments where you realize that anything is possible. For the first time I understood that anything is possible. I make the decisions I want to make because they are good for me. I’m at that point in my life where it’s okay to be selfish and make some decisions JUST FOR YOU. I mean - here I am complaining about being home with my family and waiting for something amazing to happen when I am the one that controls what happens next. I don't need to be cynical. As a matter of fact I don't need to stay here at all!!! Sure, being in debt is not on my list of things to do but I also don't want to sit back and live my life half to the fullest. I want to go out there and do what I want to do when I want to do it - and you better believe no one is going to do it for you. Like Ashley said - There is nothing tying me down except for my fears and I guess I'm just tired of being afraid!!!

the "real" world

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