Apr 19, 2005 09:43
In my last entry I talked a little bit about my weekend and how I got to spend time with the Vinnes Gang. Now, the Vinnies gang is a rare breed of male that enjoys drinking beers, bitching about politics, cracking on one another, and playing masculine games like paint ball and darts. (and by rare breed I mean every male on the face of this planet) At any rate I enjoy my time with the gang - their ages vary from married with three kids to I'm still in high school and I need some extra crash.
At any rate Saturday night Colin and I were going to go to a movie or something boring like that when he told me that he wanted me to meet him at Vinnies apparently the place was bumping. As always I said okay because like in my prior entry - who doesn't like to be picked up!!! As I drove there I wonder what he meant by bumping? Was Tim dressed up as a girl like he was for Halloween, did Eugene punch Colin in the face again, or were they just bitching about something and needed a females LIBERAL opinion.
Well, when I get there low and behold the place is bumping - cars are parked all over the damn lot and I'm thinking did the dining hours change or is Jim gone and these dumb ass guys decided to throw a party? Turns out Jim was the one holding a party. One of his wife's friends was retireing so she wanted to show him a good time which meant beer and pizza. Now, there is one thing you need to know Jim is the guy who is married and has three kids he owns the pizza place and he acts his shoe size not his age!!! Turns all of his friends are the same.
Coming into a party where I know no one forced me to be sober for the evening because no body likes an annoying girl they've never met. So, I'm chatting it up with the boys, playing a little rummy 500 and listening in on a vareity of conversations. Well, the best conversations I saw were had by Jim and his shoe age friends. Turns out Andre made this game called holy board which is similar to horse shoes but could be played in doors. Now, that's far as I'm gunna go because Andre may want to patton this thing some day because the middle aged men were addicted. They would play one game after the next chugging beer after beer and becoming nasty along the way.
You see the night began with them learning how to play and discussing how they were awful at the game and how it's based on luck. As they practiced and drank they began to get cocky and started forcing others to play. As the night wore on you couldn't get them off the board and they made claims of being one another's bitches and rule violations. Sitting back I couldn't help but think that this is the sort of thing my dad and maybe other fellow parents would enjoy. I have decided to ask Jim if I can borrow Holy Board for graduation because who doesn't like a little friendly competition and whole bunch of hangovers the day before graduation. I know I do.
good times