night out with the gals

Jan 27, 2011 21:15

Had a lovely night out with my gal friends.. went to a local Mexican restaurant. .. for great food.. great margaritas.. and a great time..

What took me so long??!!!

Hubby... a bit better. .... still have visions of bashing him with a frying pan.. iron skillet to be exact!!..

Had the opportunity to open a gallery... but that opportunity flew out the window...

The Company, who I was going to do portraits for... fell under financial woes... welcome to the club..

If any of you know who Minnie Pearl is.. does Hee Haw... ring a bell???...she is one of our treasures here in Tennessee.. wonderful woman!..... after her death.. they have a charity called the Sarah Marshall cancer society... worthy cause..

They offered me the opportunity to display my portraits.... I was planning on drawing 3 portraits of her.. They were gung ho.. on having my work...they contacted me.. which is awesome...
Sadly it has come under sponser difficulties.. so postponed till next year!

will be a great forum to promote my work... but.. not in the cards right now!!

Oh, well, welcome to the life of an artist!!

Off to put my feet up!! And have more leisure time to work on 'Game of Thrones' Fan art.. who is interested in seeing more Sean Bean???!!!!!!

Actually, having another girls night out on Saturday.. cannot wait!!

Finally, time to take care of me!!

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