(no subject)

Jun 02, 2005 20:19

DogSoldier009: gastly ear rings!
shibby487: OH DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and shite
DogSoldier009: i just bought some but i can't get the ball in one of them
shibby487: maybe you shouldn't have piecred you ear with your dick
DogSoldier009: maybe billy.....maybe
shibby487: Billy is dead
DogSoldier009: lots of dudes!!!
DogSoldier009: ahhh!
DogSoldier009: in your ass!!!
DogSoldier009: grrr!!!
shibby487: there is plenty of room
shibby487: join the party
DogSoldier009: i don't know, my cock is pretty big
DogSoldier009: .....no it's not
DogSoldier009: *cries*
shibby487: lol
shibby487: our journal has become a place of great hate
DogSoldier009: lol
DogSoldier009: that't what we aim for
shibby487: lol
DogSoldier009: spread the hate
shibby487: of course
shibby487: but i prefer for hate directed at me
DogSoldier009: lol, yes, me as well
shibby487: nobody is even making any valid points
shibby487: it is just back and forth name calling like we are in fucking 4th graade
DogSoldier009: i don't want people agruing about personal things
DogSoldier009: i want them to hate us!
shibby487: and nobody, and I mean fucking nobody is capitalizing names
DogSoldier009: lol
shibby487: that is really pissing me off
DogSoldier009: i saw the Jesus thing
shibby487: you saw him get cruxified?
DogSoldier009: yupo
shibby487: i had tickets but i had to sell them to get money for my lung medicine
DogSoldier009: well i have to go again
DogSoldier009: later
shibby487: you shite
shibby487: later
DogSoldier009 signed off at 8:19:15 PM.
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