post 3

Jun 01, 2005 23:06

DogSoldier009: yo's
gerbo321: hey
DogSoldier009: i pierced my ears today with a big size 14 needle
DogSoldier009: hurt it does
DogSoldier009: like when i popped your mom's cherry
gerbo321: at like a store or did you just jab them with your dick?
DogSoldier009: my dick
DogSoldier009: no, i did it in my bathroom
gerbo321: did you film it/
DogSoldier009: you'd like that wouldn't you
gerbo321: you should always film yourself in the bathroom
DogSoldier009: who says i don't
gerbo321: ohhh snap
DogSoldier009: oooooooooh shit son!
gerbo321: you ever heard of Nevada-tan?
DogSoldier009: no
DogSoldier009: twat is that
DogSoldier009: arg! where's the booty!?
DogSoldier009: arrrrrrrrg!
gerbo321: 11 year old girl slits her school chum's neck with a box cutter and gets a cult following on teh internet that draws fan pics of here
DogSoldier009: what the hell
gerbo321: she did it at lucnhtime then came and sat back down to class covered in blood, much to the suspicion of her teacher
DogSoldier009: that's madness
DogSoldier009: MADNESS!
DogSoldier009: when was this
gerbo321: midnight maddness
gerbo321: cant remember
DogSoldier009: you know it
gerbo321: last couple years
DogSoldier009: madness comes at midnight
gerbo321: oh, actually one year ago to the date
DogSoldier009: i had a dream last night that a hamburger was eatting me!
gerbo321: a hamburger that can take a bite out of you!?!?!?!?!
DogSoldier009: suck it dry bitch!
gerbo321: that seems oddle out of place
gerbo321: do you have anger issues we should discuss?
DogSoldier009: your mom
DogSoldier009: oooooooooooooooh shite!
gerbo321: shite
DogSoldier009: me lawyer! take off close bitch, suck it dry!
gerbo321: confussed am i
DogSoldier009: yeeeeees
DogSoldier009: yes Neo
DogSoldier009: i want to make a short film about this
DogSoldier009: this insanity!
gerbo321: what insanity
gerbo321: your insane?
DogSoldier009: this....this... MADNESS!
DogSoldier009: no the Nevada girl thing
gerbo321: yeah, i had a whole idea going in my head for a feature actually
DogSoldier009: don't know how you could make it that long though
gerbo321: based on 4 different kids suffering from Hikikomori syndrome
DogSoldier009: maybe
gerbo321: but americans wouldn't be able to identify with it
DogSoldier009: nope
DogSoldier009: because we are dumb
DogSoldier009: and only know how to remake something
gerbo321: yeah, bad stuff
DogSoldier009: bad times
DogSoldier009: who is tim!
gerbo321: tim is a real estate agent
DogSoldier009: i shall write/direct/produce a movie called...........WHO IS TIM!
DogSoldier009: and it will be amazing]
DogSoldier009: ]
DogSoldier009: i always do that "]"
gerbo321: you should star in it to
DogSoldier009: oh i will
gerbo321: good]
DogSoldier009: fine!]
gerbo321: it would be awesome]
DogSoldier009: sure would]
gerbo321: best gooddomit thing ever mad]
DogSoldier009: mine looks cooler]
gerbo321: only cause it fucks little childern nightly]
DogSoldier009: that's true]
DogSoldier009: you slut!
DogSoldier009: ]
DogSoldier009: .................
DogSoldier009: ....]
gerbo321: way to the forget the ] dumbass]
DogSoldier009: my fault
DogSoldier009: .......
DogSoldier009: ]
DogSoldier009: i want to make a japanese style movie]
DogSoldier009: and when i say japanese, i mean a good movie]
gerbo321: yeah. japanese movies rock
DogSoldier009: they actually make art
DogSoldier009: not blockbusters or remakes
gerbo321: but they censor dicks and pussies
gerbo321: that is kinda lame
DogSoldier009: yeah, i know how you like you dicks
gerbo321: long and spicy!
DogSoldier009: no, they only censor pubic hari actually
DogSoldier009: or hair
gerbo321: cause pubic hair would really damage a kid....
gerbo321: have you seen Viister Q?
DogSoldier009: i want to
gerbo321: they censor the whole thing dude
DogSoldier009: you seen Audition
gerbo321: good movie, fucked up, but good
gerbo321: yeah, it was alright
DogSoldier009: Miike is a fucked up director
DogSoldier009: that's why i love 'em
gerbo321: to slow moving for my tastes. everyone compared it to Ichi and Battle royale so i expected faced paced but it was still good
gerbo321: yeah Miike is the best
gerbo321: you gotta see Happiness of the Katakuris
gerbo321: behind Ichi it is his best
DogSoldier009: it's nasty as hell, but nothing like thosemovies
DogSoldier009: maybe i will!
gerbo321: it is a horror/musical
DogSoldier009: sweet
gerbo321: so fucking sweet
DogSoldier009: you seen Samurai Fiction
gerbo321: nope
DogSoldier009: that's good, not like anthing we're talkin' bout
DogSoldier009: but good
DogSoldier009: twat about Suicide Club
gerbo321: great movie
DogSoldier009: i haven't seen it! damnit i want to!
gerbo321: so cool
DogSoldier009: it's true too
DogSoldier009: i'm gonna go rent it
gerbo321: batgirl is fucking hot
gerbo321: just remember that
DogSoldier009: your mom's fucking hot
DogSoldier009: some Japanese girls are insanly hot
gerbo321: duh
DogSoldier009: some....not so hot
gerbo321: you know that is kinda like any other race
gerbo321: dumbass
DogSoldier009: but hot Japanese girls are hotter than american hot girls
DogSoldier009: and the guys....daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn
DogSoldier009: you know it
DogSoldier009: oooooooooh
DogSoldier009: that's right
gerbo321: yeah...yeah your right and sutf
gerbo321: stuff*
gerbo321: i was really far off there
DogSoldier009: just a tad
DogSoldier009: dat
DogSoldier009: tad
DogSoldier009: dat
DogSoldier009: tod
DogSoldier009: dot
gerbo321: F
gerbo321: AT
gerbo321: Fat
gerbo321: why you son of a bitch!
DogSoldier009: lol
DogSoldier009: i love that one
gerbo321: yeah
DogSoldier009: is batgirl the girl on the cover
gerbo321: no
DogSoldier009: i seeeeeeeeee
gerbo321: you seen shit what is it called
gerbo321: Miike's big triolgy
gerbo321: trilogy*
gerbo321: Dead or Alive!
DogSoldier009: twat about it
gerbo321: what else, Yakuzas
DogSoldier009: the first is good, the rest eh
gerbo321: only see the first
DogSoldier009: have you heard of full metal yakuza
gerbo321: been waiting to see the rest, they dont look to good
gerbo321: dont know anything about it beyond the name
DogSoldier009: FULL METAL YAKUZA!, it looks rediculas -can't spellelel
gerbo321: how so
DogSoldier009: it just looks crazy and wierd
DogSoldier009: Miike did it
DogSoldier009: didn't know that i didn't
DogSoldier009: well they say it's boring, so never mind i guess
gerbo321: oh well
DogSoldier009: i'd still watch it though
DogSoldier009: mmm...i want a meatball sandwitch
gerbo321: i bet you do
DogSoldier009: i wish they would make a yakuza game
gerbo321: i've been reading teh Sin City books that havent been made into movies yet
DogSoldier009: yeah
gerbo321: pretty damn good, but not as gory as the movies. teh art style kind of hides it
gerbo321: Miho is fucking awesome though
DogSoldier009: frank miller is a pro biatch
DogSoldier009: Dark KNight!!! oooooh maaaaaaaaaan!
gerbo321: best batman story ever
DogSoldier009: no shite
gerbo321: best graphic novel i ever read really
gerbo321: but man did Dark knight strikes back suck
DogSoldier009: didn't read it
gerbo321: dont, useless sequel to the masterpiece that is Dark Knight Returns
DogSoldier009: your mom my bed....for sex....and.....
DogSoldier009: blowjobs
gerbo321: ok....
DogSoldier009: ....and buuuuuut sex
gerbo321: you ever heard of the Invisibles?
DogSoldier009: no
gerbo321: supposedly bitchin' comic by Grant Morrison that the Wachowski's ripped off for the matric
gerbo321: matrix*
DogSoldier009: it is?
gerbo321: i wanna read it but the whole series cost like 100 bucks. so...hands in the air, i need 100 dollors mutherfucker!
gerbo321: yeah. the first one is at least
DogSoldier009: my hands are in my pants so sorry
gerbo321: the two they fucked up are fucked up on their own parts
DogSoldier009: don't buy drugs then you'll have enough
DogSoldier009: i have to shite!
DogSoldier009: brb
gerbo321: shite me out a hundred dollors
DogSoldier009: i'lll get a 100 bucks from your mom
DogSoldier009: after she visits my bed
DogSoldier009: i need evaluation! and a popsicle
gerbo321: and a dick in your forehead
DogSoldier009: that's already there
gerbo321: sweet
DogSoldier009: you just wish it was yours
DogSoldier009: give me your meatball recipy!
gerbo321: i could get you one from quiznos
gerbo321: but they closed an hour ago
DogSoldier009: you son of a bitch!
DogSoldier009: i'll kill you
DogSoldier009: you bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! --- oh a dollar
gerbo321: only 99 more to g
gerbo321: go*
DogSoldier009: only 99 more blowjobs
DogSoldier009: i just can't wait till Shark Boy and Lava Girl comes out!!!
DogSoldier009: i'll see it right away!!!
DogSoldier009: or just kill myself now!!!
gerbo321: lol
gerbo321: i dont understand why dear Robert continues to do these movies
DogSoldier009: fuckin' spy kids
DogSoldier009: more like! ooooooooh snap!
gerbo321: shite that is good
DogSoldier009: now leave me to my popsicles!
DogSoldier009: mmmmm
gerbo321: do you have popies?
DogSoldier009: good
DogSoldier009: no yous son of a bitcha!
DogSoldier009: no drugs you slut
gerbo321: their just a hobby
DogSoldier009: your mom's just a hobby
gerbo321: you really like my mom dont you?
DogSoldier009: *cries*
gerbo321: lol
gerbo321: fuck man High Tension comes out next week
gerbo321: w00t!\
gerbo321: wish it was uncut though
DogSoldier009: it doesn't look great, twat is the plot, i don't get it
gerbo321: crazy dude kidnaps the girls friend or lover i cant tell from the previews. Then the girl kinda snaps and kills her way to the crazy dude
gerbo321: was origianlly rated NC-17 and it isn't American. that is what has me pumped
DogSoldier009: wait, so it's 2 years old
gerbo321: yeah
DogSoldier009: those damn french
DogSoldier009: is it gonna have the same amount of blood and gore in US theatres
gerbo321: no, they cut it to an R rating
gerbo321: but on DVD...
DogSoldier009: grrr
DogSoldier009: DVD! you say!?
gerbo321: yup
DogSoldier009: well Bob, where can i get this amazing dvd for only $19.95!?
gerbo321: i dunno
gerbo321: my name is grifffin
DogSoldier009: ....oh
gerbo321: i added another F cause i am cool
DogSoldier009: that's not true at all! you bastard!
DogSoldier009: how dare you lie to me!
DogSoldier009: Griff D.
gerbo321: ohhhhhhhhhhh
DogSoldier009: you've seen Dead Alive right
gerbo321: yeah
DogSoldier009: i love that movie
DogSoldier009: it's so funny
gerbo321: yeah
gerbo321: its great
DogSoldier009: your mom's yeah
DogSoldier009: ....i mean great
DogSoldier009: nevermind
gerbo321: wwo
gerbo321: that means world wide oprah
DogSoldier009: of course it does
gerbo321: which means pussy like to eat fried chicken
gerbo321: which means dick gobbler tuesday meat masher
gerbo321: and i am not sure what that means
DogSoldier009: stop watching my house!!!
gerbo321: NEVER

DogSoldier009: can i borrow some money!!!
gerbo321: i was asking you for money
DogSoldier009: then you'll give me some!?
gerbo321: no
gerbo321: but i'll lick your balls?
DogSoldier009: i like the solid white tuna!
DogSoldier009: you jerk, it's all i have, the solid white tuna must stay!
gerbo321: on your balls?
DogSoldier009: yeah, where else
gerbo321: i keep some stashed away in Chicago
gerbo321: just in case i have a rainy day
gerbo321: need something to wash teh cum off with
DogSoldier009: you wash cum off with tuna
DogSoldier009: i use beef franks
gerbo321: beef wellingtons are better
DogSoldier009: i'll beef your wellingtons
gerbo321: hey we got a comment
gerbo321: our on livejournal thing
DogSoldier009: o did we
DogSoldier009: by whom
gerbo321: look for yourself you lazy shit fucker
gerbo321: sorry, i meant shite fucker
DogSoldier009: that's quite all right
DogSoldier009: it was prob from my old girlfriend
DogSoldier009: from MD!
DogSoldier009: DDDDD
gerbo321: yeah think so
gerbo321: she was named Rachel right?
DogSoldier009: yeah
DogSoldier009: still is
gerbo321: lol
gerbo321: that was good
gerbo321: my friend asked her out but she said no
DogSoldier009: lol, who was it, brian
gerbo321: then he moped around like he was going to kill himself for 3 days and settled for this other girl that liked him
gerbo321: yeah
DogSoldier009: yeah he sucks ass
DogSoldier009: he said that she asked him out and he spread a bunch of shit around about them
gerbo321: he said or she said
gerbo321: i am confussed
DogSoldier009: he said a bunch of gay shite
DogSoldier009: and she was pissed
gerbo321: she should kick him in the balls
gerbo321: and vice versa
DogSoldier009: she has a vagina
DogSoldier009: girls have vaaaaaaaaaginaaaaaaaas griffin
gerbo321: dude have you realized that Land of the Dead comes out in 3 weeks and we have never onced talked about?
gerbo321: i had a vagina once
DogSoldier009: i know
DogSoldier009: about that too
gerbo321: lol
DogSoldier009: LAND OF THE DEAD!
DogSoldier009: there, has been talk
DogSoldier009: ....ed
gerbo321: looks kinda strange
DogSoldier009: so does your mom
gerbo321: but i'll wait to see it before i judge
DogSoldier009: yeah, me too
DogSoldier009: hey!
DogSoldier009: how do you see commments on that live journal thing
DogSoldier009: with 3 'm's cause i'm cool too
gerbo321: click on where it says "1 comment" after the post
DogSoldier009: ooooooooh
DogSoldier009: post this one too
DogSoldier009: you hoe
gerbo321: i wil
gerbo321: will
gerbo321: i forgot about last nights
gerbo321: but it wasnt very long or good anyways
DogSoldier009: that's what you always say
DogSoldier009: it hurts you know
DogSoldier009: litteraly
DogSoldier009: my ass is so fucking sore
gerbo321: i mean we both climaxed in just a couple minutes
gerbo321: have you seen any Romero film that wasn't in the dead trilogy?
DogSoldier009: no, i have heard of some, but haven't heard of them being good
gerbo321: yeah
gerbo321: i watched one called marten the other day
gerbo321: fucked sucked
gerbo321: after that i haven't been able to watch a movie for like 2 weeks
DogSoldier009: lol
gerbo321: I saw like 6 bad movies in a row ending with Marten, the worst of them all, and now i cant watch anything
DogSoldier009: lol
gerbo321: i have two netflix movies here on my desk that have been sitting there for weeks
DogSoldier009: that sucks
gerbo321: i really dont want to see 7 bad movies in a row
DogSoldier009: what movies do you have now
gerbo321: City of Fire and Mystic River
DogSoldier009: mysitc river is great
DogSoldier009: never heard of the other one
gerbo321: it is Tarentino's inspiratoin for Reservior Dogs
DogSoldier009: there're so many fucking people in Land of the Dead
gerbo321: yeah i know
gerbo321: i am in it
DogSoldier009: simon pegg and edgar wright are zombies, that's great
gerbo321: i play the naked hooker zombie
gerbo321: yeah
DogSoldier009: me too, didn't see you on set though
gerbo321: isnt Salvani in it too
DogSoldier009: yup
gerbo321: did Ken Foree get in it?
DogSoldier009: did you mean Savini as in Tom
gerbo321: lol yeah i couldnt remember how to spell it
DogSoldier009: don't think Foree was
DogSoldier009: he was in Dawn remake though
gerbo321: sweet Asia Argento's in it
DogSoldier009: which was cool
DogSoldier009: John Leguizamo too
DogSoldier009: i love that guy
gerbo321: dont know him
DogSoldier009: you fuckin' kidding me!
DogSoldier009: you suck
gerbo321: sorry
DogSoldier009: no the sucking i great, really
gerbo321: i dont understand the relationship between Asia and her pop
gerbo321: how can he direct her in movies where she has sex with people
DogSoldier009: .....insest of course
gerbo321: i am all for open parent-kid relationships but that is weird
DogSoldier009: that helps
gerbo321: is there a movie she doesnt get naked in?
DogSoldier009: your mom's
gerbo321: dude and she was only 16 at the time
gerbo321: Dario has problems
DogSoldier009: she's hot
DogSoldier009: Asia
gerbo321: well yeah
gerbo321: but her dad is sick
gerbo321: and coming from me that is something
DogSoldier009: a tad
DogSoldier009: she's in Coin Locker Babies? sweeet
DogSoldier009: didn't know that
gerbo321: haven't seen it
DogSoldier009: not out yet
DogSoldier009: that new movie with Asano!
DogSoldier009: next year
gerbo321: oh yeah thats right
DogSoldier009: in America
gerbo321: we touched on this topic before
gerbo321: the shite calls me
gerbo321: gonna log off for awhile to
gerbo321: later
DogSoldier009: later
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