[reading] 2015 Debut Author Challenge

Jan 18, 2015 20:33

I set my regular reading goal for the year (100 books, 50 from my To Read bookcases), but I've been looking for challenges to help focus my reading. I've really enjoyed other people's posts about their yearly debut author challenges, so I decided to give it a try this year.

I've decided to do this one: 2015 Debut Author Challenge at That Artsy Reader Girl

Basically, the challenge is to read 12 or more middle grade, young adult and new adult debut releases in 2015, and then post your thoughts about each book. One of my goals is to post more reviews, so this fits well. (I tend to get bogged down in the fact that I prefer to write long reviews, but don't really have time to do that for every book. I need to stop letting my perfectionism mean that I don't post any reviews.) Books must be published in 2015 and read between January 1, 2015, and January 31, 2016. (The extra month is for December debuts.) More information at the link above.

There are restrictions on which books count:

  • The book must be classified as a middle grade, young adult, or new adult title.
  • The book must be the author’s MG/YA/NA 2015 debut. (If the author has published adult fiction before, but this is their first MG/YA/NA book EVER it still counts.)
  • Self-published books do not count, so if the author has self-published a MG/YA/NA book before and this is their first book published by a traditional publisher it counts toward the challenge.
  • ARCs are fine, but only if you read them the year they are published. For example, if it’s 2015 but you read and reviewed an ARC of debut coming out in 2016, it does not count for 2015’s challenge (because the challenge is for 2015 debuts) and it will not count for 2016’s challenge (because you must read a 2016 debut in 2016 for it to count). This way participants who do not have access to ARCs are not at a disadvantage.

  • I don't yet know what books I'll read, but there's a GoodReads list of debuts and a Google spreadsheet. Let me know if you're doing the challenge as well, and/or what books you're looking forward to reading in 2015.

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    books, reading, books: 2015 debut challenge

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