TV Meme

Jan 22, 2008 09:07

Stolen from khaoschilde who stole it from gileswench when she wasn't lookin'.

Back in the Day: 5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid
I think Bewitched was in re-runs by the time I started watching. Some of these are from my teen years
1) Happy Days
2) Remington Steele
3) Who’s the Boss
4) Bewitched
5) Scooby Doo

Who Would You Do?: 5 TV Characters You Would...Well, It's Self-Explanatory
1) Fox Mulder
2) Seeley Booth (Oddly, David’s hot on this show, but I never liked him on Buffy or Angel), maybe I have an FBI man fetish.
3) Wesley Wyndham-Price/ Rupert Giles (together would be nice)
4 & 5) Xander Harris / CIA guy on “Bionic Woman” - They are scarily similar looking. Nicolas Brendan should have gotten that role.

What? No, No, I Don't Watch That...: 5 Guilty Pleasure TV Shows
1) Extreme Makeover - Home edition (only when I need a good cry)
2) Girls Next Door
3) Dawson’s Creek re-runs
4) Serial killer documentaries on TLC
5) Dancing with the Stars

Wow: 5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won't Forget)
Warning for spoilers here...

1) Scully running through the forest saying “This is not happening” over and over, then screaming when she gets to Mulder’s body. Just gut wrenching.
2) Mulder giving Scully a full on French kiss in front of Skinner in the series finale.
3) Mulder sitting outside Scully's hospital room after her jerk brother reams him out, answering the phone "Sorry son-of-a-bitch, how can I help you?".
4) The final episode with Cordy on Angel. I knew it was coming, but cried anyway.
5) There is an episode of Futurama where they show Fry's dog waiting dutifully though the years for him to return. Stealing this one also. It caught me off guard, because that show is usually light on the angst. It’s the fact that the dog seems abandoned that is so touching.

"Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs": 5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart
1) Happy Days theme
2) Scooby Doo
3) Cheers - Sadly, I really didn’t watch this show, I just know the theme song.
4) Buffy Theme - still on my iPod
5) X-Files Theme - still on my iPod

Eh: 5 Shows You Just Can't Get Into
1) Lost.
2) "Reality" / “Game Show” TV - American Idol is horrible.
3) House - I want to love it, but the medicine is so off I find it hard to get into the stories.
4) Law & Order - Any version
5) Supernatural - I watched the first season, but couldn’t sustain my interest.

The Starting Line-Up: 5 Channels You Go To First When You Sit Down to Watch TV
1) Food Network
2) History Channel International
3) BBC America
4) A&E
5) SciFi channel

This Is An Environment of Welcoming, and You Should Just Get the Hell Out Of Here: 5 TV Characters You Could Do Without

1) Dawn from Buffy
2) Riley from Buffy
3) Connor from Angel
4) Sandra Lee from Food Network (I know she’s a real person, still don’t like her)
5) The food critic from the New York Times who is a judge on Iron Chef all the time, I can’t remember or find his name. Do not like this guy. (see note on #4)

That's What She Said: 5 Quotes That Still Resonate
1) Scully: “Sure. Fine. Whatever”
2) Satan: “Hey, Luce. It’s Dada.” From Lucy, Daughter of the Devil, cracks me up just thinking about it. Not sure why

There’s ton’s of others, but I suck at remembering exact wording.

Gimme More: 5 Shows You Can Never Get Enough Of
1) Jekyll
2) X-Files
3) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4) Lucy, Daughter of the Devil
5) The Big Bang Theory
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