This is just a boring LJ of a silly and abnormal girl.There's nothing special here,just something about her plain life,her blind love for Nishikido Ryo,and her fangirl-ness for some certain pretty boys
She loves Nishikido Ryo to every cells with all her soul and heart,for now at least.So,she doesn't call herself a Ryo's fan.She's Ryoholic.Vic Zhou [ZaiZai] is her one and only idol,the celebrity that she admire and respect the most.Asou Haruto is her endless and everlasting love.An Eighter.She loves Kanjani8,for their deep bond [the word "friendship" can't express enough],their craziness [and gayness],their love for Osaka,their awesome skill for always can make her smile and laugh,their music,their love for Ryo and Ryo's love for them and their way of treating life - take it easy,simple made happiness.So,no bashing these people here,or else you'll get the crazy mad from her,since she's kinda short-tempered.
Feel free to add,she won't bite you.But think it over,there's really nothing special here,such as J.E multimedia downloading.No,she's useless XD
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