things it is better to know sooner than later

Sep 22, 2011 18:20

1. The more obscure and full of plot your story is, the simpler and easier to follow your narrative had damn well better be, apparently.

2. If you really like something in your first attack on a subject, it is going to be completely wrong for the story you're trying to tell.

3. One needs a better reason for not immediately revealing one's POV character than "late POV reveals are cool." Especially if you have another character who is liable to muscle in and make it all about him while you're being all mysterious and withholding. (Maybe the next one...)

Therefore, presented without comment, the abortive 0.5th draft of the vid I am now ground-up revidding, for purposes of I really loved that opening, god dammit.

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vidding (no seriously vidding)

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