... I appear to be actively writing Harry/Ros during the 7.02 cold open.
This is wrong on numerous levels.
On the other hand, if I find another thing for which to write Cesare/Lucrezia, I can do "authority figures" for my free square.
(“I take it there’s not an assassin’s corpse in the toilet,” he says at last, and she presses her free hand to her mouth to keep from laughing. Knows from that, if nothing else, how tired she must be, without feeling it.
“No such luck,” she says.
“Ah.” He nods, once, as though she’d handed him a small but vital piece of evidence. “Come along, then. We’ll find you another room. I doubt the JIC would approve the use of taxpayer money for the cause, but --”
“It’s fine.” She rolls her shoulders back; something about him always makes her feel as though she ought to be standing up straighter. “I’m fine. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Coming in?”)
This entry was originally posted at
http://thatyourefuse.dreamwidth.org/210241.html. Please comment there if you can.