Spooks 8.01 and a question (and a rec)

May 05, 2011 23:38

I was comprehensively spoiled, and I shrieked. For most of the episode. Oh GOD THEM.


Also, considering the amount of bitching-about-writing I've been doing lately, I think it might be polite to ask: would there be any interest in me setting up a writing filter, so as not to clutter up the reading pages of people who don't care for the daily updates on how much Ros is creeping me out (a lot) and what slightly terrifying kinkfic I've just written a surprising amount of for what pairing (you'll see)? I have no experience setting up filters on dw and I don't know how to make them translate for cross-posting, but I could probably work it out if anyone were interested on being on one.

So, er, comment if you're interested in the flailing? (Damn I miss my poll function.)


ETA: actually, ignore everything I just said and -- if you ever had the David Eddings phase at any point in your life, or even if you didn't, GO READ THIS: gratia gratium parit, by
recessional -- Relg and Taiba and oh and oh, this is what it should have been all this time, this is what it would have been if the Eddingses had -- er -- given a fuck -- and I'm literally tearing up right now, I love them so much.

This entry was originally posted at http://thatyourefuse.dreamwidth.org/203725.html. Please comment there if you can.

recs, spooks, world's least efficient writer

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