Apr 10, 2007 12:19
For the first time since I was seventeen I joined a gym.
This is probably something I should have done years ago especially because my law firm pays for a gym membership for all employees, but I'm lazy and laziness is a powerful thing.
On Friday, I had a "fitness evaluation" with a personal trainer. She took my blood pressure, measured my body fat, gave me a cardio test, a flexibility test, pushups, situps, leg strength, etc.
I won't bore you with the details of the results because they would... bore you, but here are some highlights:
1. I am so inflexible that I am literally off the chart. I am lower than the lowest score. Apparently, I am not Gumbi.
2. Despite the fact that I am, in reality, quite thin I have WAY too much body fat. I think the words "very poor" were used.
3. I am in the "excellent" range for situps. Randomly.
Anyway, I've decided to work with the personal trainer for the first few months to get me on a routine and get myself healthy. I'm actually pretty excited that I'm doing this. I should have a long time ago.