Oct 10, 2005 02:00
So here's an autobiography of me, written by Robin. I guess that makes it a biography, but in first person. I think it captures me very well.
I was born in Texas. It was the best of time. It was pee pee. Peeeee peeeeee. Hahahaha. I’m a praticul joocker. I like it when peoples get all hot headed and they go all, “No I be so sirius and you keeps on lauffing stoooooooooop it!” H a ha that is good ALL the time.\\
I took an oath, a vow, a pledge, a promise to flub The Belly. I go, “BWABWAAAAHBWAAAH!” and I speak 2 it I sayz, “be good, belly, or I’ll cut you, belly.” That is good ALL the time.
I think fart is funny. Sometimes when I do it my dad he goes, ‘you shittin’ urself?” this makes me smile and I do it again. By his face. He goes “TRRIISSSH!!11” which is my mom and his mom and he continued, ‘TRISSSH hes in hurr shiten himself.” My dad’s raper name is Nigga Chowda. When I fart on Nigga Chowda it is good ALL the tyme.
Peoples knows me not only as partical joocker but also a funnysmith. I makes the peoples they all LAFF!!!!!!!!!11 I have the gifts of word. I make word. I say “Penis Wiener” and I whisper it 2 dis guy and he says “Penis Weiner is good ALL the tyme.”