Baum DIFT | Generation One | Week One

Jul 27, 2012 12:09

So, this is my attempt at the Differences in the Family Tree, or DIFT. The rules can be found here. My founder is one that I created using some of the My Little Pony sims by katu_sims.

So, this is the founder of my DIFT, Zaria Baum.

And this is her pet horse, Raven.

And this is the house that she lives in, located in Appaloosa Plains.

Zaria: I'm not so sure about this...

I'm sure you'll be fine. This is the sims. Pretty sure you can't fall off the horse.


*knocks on wood*

Well, hello there Kenji Midden. ;)

Kenji: So I was gardening the other day, and my roommate was like, "Dude, use the shovel." and I was like "Dude, this is a trowel."

Zaria: That sounds so romantic. *swoon*

I don't think Zaria was actually listening to him...

Only in the sims can you meet someone and get engaged to them an hour later and NOT have it seem weird/rushed.

The next day, Kenji comes over after work and officially joins the family. :)

I don't know why, but it excited me to see this in the newspaper. :)

Yay, baby!

I used a pet name generator to name the foal. This is the best one it came up with. I still don't really like it. -__-

D'awwwww. <3

Cliche legacy bathroom birth! Even though this isn't a legacy!! *le gasp*

This is little Chase. He's an Eccentric Loner who likes Orange, Spaghetti, and Soul.

She burnt the Goopy Carbonara. But they ate it anyway; too hungry to make something else.

Chase after a quick makeover.

They need to have two more kids. ;)

Oops... :/

Again, super excited. And again, don't know why.

The toilet was so dirty from her constantly throwing up that she had to throw up on the nice WHITE porch. Whee.

Pop goes the weasel!

sims 3, generation one, week one

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