Happy Birthday MOM!

Apr 26, 2006 22:39

I must say, I'm back to that feeling that I don't have much to update about...I just feel like I've fallen to the trend of working full time and having a boring life. Here's what has been going on lately though:

-We had 2 girls billeting at my house on Friday night, (that was really nice to get to know them and be able to get along with them)Normally it's hard for me to meet a person just like that and get a really nice conversation going, but for some reason, with them, it went smoothly. Maybe because we had a lot of things in common. Choir stuff, YSA stuff and just girl stuff in general.

-Saturday morning woke up early and took them to the church, making a pit stop at Safeway to get some chocolate that they don't sale in the US. came back...feel asleep. Then went shopping, bought new sheets for my bed (nice pink Satin ones!;) and a present for the wedding reception.(if you've read Jared's entry...I honestly thought there was appropiate wrapping paper here) Anyhow, enought excuses about that. Went to the wedding reception in which I had fun and enjoyed myself, although I found it a little strange to know that people that I go to activities with are getting married.(No, I did not catch the bouquet at any of them :P)So that was a nice night.

-Sunday was our ward conference, which to me, it means that we get primary police...I mean, it's not like I'm confortable enough with my calling, let's not say in front of the children or an audience that's watching HOW I do. So, during my "prep" hour, I was talking to Sister Davis(Stake Primary Music Director)and she gave me so really great tips and some of the usual stuff that she had told me at the beginning from when I first started. It's nice to be reminded. Anyhow, eventhough I wasn't able to pull off what I originally had planned, everything went well and I honestly felt the spirit and enjoyed it. I received an email from Sister Davis later on that day, and what really hit me was her saying, "After seeing you fulfil your calling after you and I had met this morning, I realized I was talking to the converted." I thought the whole singing time went great, but then when she said this, I look back and remember that I have improved so much and learned a lot. I've been able to get up there and just improvise and funny enough, that's sometimes what it's all about: keeping it fun, switching songs and moods. I must admit, I do have one of the best pianist in the world and to that, I'm so thankful.
After church, I had a choir dress rehersal for our National broadcast and a composer(Rupert Lang) came and went over the song that he had written for us, he also went over another one of his pieces that we are performing at that broadcast. It was quite the experience to get the insight of the person that composed the song. That went on till 4pm.
Came back home, and the missionaries were over...they're a fun bunch and it's nice to have them over bringing the spirit in to our home. After that, I had to drop off my brother at a meeting. We left at the same time as the missionaries and after dropping my brother off, I headed to the institute grad...that was also another nice part of my day. Then I headed home and had a nice scripture study session!

-Monday, I went shopping because it was so gorgeous outside and I was wearing a skirt and I loved it. I ended up at Esprit where I found a really good deal for some REALLY nice skirts. I ended up buying one for myself and one for my mom (a nice green silk one) since her birthday was coming up. So that was really great how it worked out. After work, I came home, took a nap, then I realized I was wasting precious sunshine. So I decided I wanted to go and take a bike ride...only to find out that the tires were flat. So I shoved my bike in my car and drove there. Gas was cheaper than lately, so I filled up my tank!

-Tuesday, I finished the shopping by buying a card for my mom's present (which I was SOO excited for her to open)So I ended up giving it to her yesterday night...and she liked it, that was all after I went to watch "The Wild"(quite the movie...it's pretty good). I love my mother. She's so loving and caring for other people, I wish I had her charisma. Anyhow, so all this brings me to:

-Wednesday or Today, whatever you want to go with. Went to work with my nice new skirt. Went to choir (that includes choriography, singing and practicing for our final concert...that's something to look forward to if you wanna see me look MORE like a little girl...lol)

So, that's all in a nutshell...Gotta go to bed and look forward to another day of regular full-time job!!!LOL
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