Another HOUSE update!

Apr 03, 2006 18:24

SOLD SOLD SOLD. I was homeless since Friday, but now, the offer has been accepted and we officially move to the new house at the end of MAY! I'm so excited, it's not like it's a huge wonderful castle, nor does it have a big backyard, but it's good enough for all of us. The new house is 5 years old, a few defects here and there, but nothing major. This house was "officially" sold on Friday, even though the offer was put in almost a week ago. So the house was listed on the realtor's website and on (for those of you who have never even been to my house, there are some good pictures up) and for those who haven't seen the updates...just type in our mls: F2605309 and you'll see. Anyhow, I'm really excited.
We did have other houses in mind, but I blame myself for being a brat with my parents and telling them I didn't one their last "probable" choice, it was just a feeling I had that there was still something else to look at. Once I mentioned that to them, then everyone agreed and we went to look at more houses.

It's been quite the adventure, and like always...I guess we will be having a different arrangement for the living room in another few months!lol

Asides from all this house stuff...Work is good, just this hour change that has me tired! But I'm in such a great mood, uplifted, happy and just GREAT in general. I loved Gen. Conference. If you don't learn too much, you are inspired and filled with the spirit, it's always worth going!

P.S This one is my favourite picture of our renewed living room.

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