May 21, 2005 18:07
¤I am so tired! I dunno why though. It might be because me and Jenna stayed up until 1 A.M. Then today, we did a whole bunch of crap. In the morning, we printed off a map of Cedar Point(heehee). Then we ate waffles. Then I got in the shower. After that, she did my hair in twisties. Later, we went outside and Jenna drove my brothers four wheeler. It was halarious! Then my brother goes "let Carissa drive" so Jenna got on the back and I drove and she freaked out. She thinks I'm a crazy driver...I get it from my brother. Then, we mounted my brother (he's six foot somethin) but he didn't trust us to hold him up so after a couple seconds, he jumped down. Oh, and we went up in my tree fort and jumped down just for fun. What else? Oh ya, we stood on the back of my brothers truck and almost flew off the back when he moved it back and forth. Then his friend came over and he burned out in my yard(sweet). And Jenna drove my friend's go-cart and we got stuck 3 times...I had to push us out everytime. Gooood times, Jenna.
¤Cedar Point is in like 1 day. Today's Saturday. The trips Monday. I'm goin tonight to buy a new cd and a digital camera. Sweetness.
¤I dont care HOW many times you blow me off or lie to me, I can have fun WITHOUT you (you know who you are)!!!!!!!