Oct 21, 2004 18:41
Just a quick update on what's been happening...I'm too tired to do much more than that now.
Student teaching is still going well. My supervising teacher says such nice things about me, both in front of me and to other people, and I sometimes have a hard time believing that it is true. I still feel like I have so much more to learn, but at the same time I really like my choice. I am happy doing this. I will never be rich, have an expense account or a corner office, but I won't be unhappy...except for those brief moments when my alarm goes off at 5:00am!
I still have a glaring lack of a social life, since all I do is teach, prepare to teach, work and sleep, with the odd time with my family and KDP. I need to get out more, but with whom? All of my friends have scattered like the wind and/or are in serious relationships. I'm working on it though. I have the annual Lone Pine Halloween party next week, which should be interesting. With the exception of last year, I have gone every year since it started (which I think was 1999). This year will be a little different, seeing as I am no longer with Billy. On one hand it will be nice not to have to deal with or feel responsible for his drunken alter ego, but on the other hand, I am still not sure I really want to see other girls hit on him, or vice versa. We'll see how it goes...either I'll leave early or get way too drunk.
The following weekend I have plans to go visit James on Friday, which is much needed. I just need to see him and let him mix me drinks in his too-fabulous-for-the-dorms glasses. Plus next day is game day, so I will be whoring myself out for KDP (or selling beads for cash, same deal). That weekend will be perfect.
Work at the Y has been going well too. I work with all of the young kids now, and they are really funny. I about pissed myself I laughed so hard last week. Sometimes I wish I could tape this stuff so other people could hear it too. Ask me about it...I will tell you so you can laugh too.
Well now this has ceased to be a 'quick' entry, so I really have to go. I have a bunch of mythology stuff to grade...oh joy!