theater review: The Scottsboro Boys

Aug 09, 2010 12:07

aflamingstar and I saw The Scottsboro Boys at the G last night.

Note to self: see every touring show that comes through the G, because the track record (first Brief Encounter, now SB) is amazing.

Seriously... the show was stunning.  It was harsh, and confronting, and desperate.  It made me cry. 
It reminded me of The Minstrel Show, that was at the History Theater a few years back.  Very similar (minstrel show motif to illuminate our history of racism), but ramped up to 11.  I think the only thing that made The Minstrel Show better was that it was closer to home.  (SB was about a false rape accusation in Alabama in the 30s, MS was about a lynching in the 50s in Duluth).

And holy crap balls, the performers are mind-blowing.  Especially the 13 year old tap dancing, soprano-singing kid.  *is bowled over*

If you at all have the time/means, you should see this show.

5 out of 5 stars.

theater review

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