I feel guilty because i haven't updated in a week.

Aug 10, 2009 16:56

And yet I can't think of anything interesting to write about.

Let's see...

Bard Fiction and Monster closed, both did well in their own right (We'll see how the final numbers shake down when I get a box office report and a check from the Fringe...).

Um... I had a great time Fringing this year.  I spent lots of time with theater friends, and saw lots of great shows (and only a handful of bad ones).  I did a lot of schmoozing, but I also got schmoozed a couple of times, which was fun.

Looking ahead to Marisol already.  Crist and I have been talking Angel of War, which is desperately exciting.

I'm teaching Amber to knit tomorrow night.

I have no teaching or temping gigs this week (except for a mini combat workshop on Friday afternoon), but it's already filling up with meetings/interviews/sundries.

My boyfriend is really cute and talented.

I'm going to meet a cat tomorrow morning... her name is Ella.  If I adopt her, my cats will be Sal and Ella.  And I'll have to keep them away from uncooked chicken and raw spinach.

I guess that's it?

teaching, theater, knitting, c, cats, pro rata, directing

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