I'm feeling better today.

Mar 24, 2009 10:15

Rehearsal was productive, and things are going in the right direction.

nattienatnat brought in the obamiconed buttons, which look great.

couplandesque has done an awesome job giving our program a facelift (12 pages!  Saddle stapled!  Pictures! the logo on every page!)  My only sadness is that we had to be responsible and go with the b&w version, which was $500 cheaper than the color (that's the whole budget for Marisol's set, after all!)  The printer is going to hand deliver a proof today, and printing it by next-mid-week should be no problem.

I've also redone all of our lobby signage.  In an effort to further reinforce that patrons are seeing a PRO RATA show rather than a Gremlin (the venue/host company) show, I've put our logo on every single sign, information sheet, warning sign, EVERYTHING.

Oh, wait.  Did I say warning sign?  What's in Galileo that the audience needs to be warned about?
If you've been to a Pro Rata show, you know that we regularly have a sign in the lobby warning the audience about a laundry list of things, like smoking, or nudity, or strobe, or whatever.  For the past few seasons we've always included one non sequitur joke that's unmarked (for Killer Joe it was French Cuisine).

I think this one was Natalie's idea... I love it.

Please note, tonight Galileo contains:
Cigarette Smoke
Strobe Effects
Simulated Drug Use
Triumph of the Proletariat
Adult Themes

pro rata, directing

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